Nearly a week and lost 3 pound already!!

Hi I'm Stacey, finding this app amazing!!!


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,227 MFP Moderator
    Hey Stacey! Welcome to MFP, and I'm glad you like the app. Using MFP is how I was able to lose and keep off more than 70 lbs. For lots of people the weight comes off quickly at first, then slows to a trickle. The 'slow to a trickle' (or in my case 'dead stop' for a few weeks) was really rough on me, until I realized that I didn't put weight on in just a few weeks but over several years. So even if it wasn't coming off as fast as it had at first, I was still losing the weight faster than I had gained it, and I was making progress even if I was frustrated at how long that progress was taking...

    What are your fitness goals?