New and looking for Fitness Pals!

RahaLiyla Posts: 15 Member
edited July 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Well, it happened! Everyone always told
it would...Metabolism has slowed down and I'm packing on the pounds. Gone are the days of constant binge eating, dessert all day-every day, and considering walking a workout. I'm going to turn my life around and would love some Fitness Pals to join me!


  • fornowiamwinter
    fornowiamwinter Posts: 79 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • haney1722
    haney1722 Posts: 27 Member
    At 52, I'm in the same boat....I miss my old metabolism!
  • anthonymontani27
    anthonymontani27 Posts: 4 Member
    Finally happened here also.
  • Fiqahana
    Fiqahana Posts: 93 Member
    Added you! Let's support each other all the way :smiley:
    Anyway, if there's anyone out there that ever needs a friend to accompany you through this journey to a happier and healthier life, motivate you to reach for you goals, support you through ups and downs, I'm always here to be that friend, so feel free to add me! I hope we all will succeed in this journey, until the end! Have a nice day everyone! :smile:
  • HotStuffSoon
    HotStuffSoon Posts: 3 Member
    52 and post full hysterectomy. I ride a Harley and dont want my aches and pains to end that. Arthritis in my lower back and a hands are bad enough, but being 186 lbs at 5'-7" stinks. I will encourage you if you encourage me!!