Overwhelmed by how much I have to lose

Pterod Posts: 131 Member
I'm trying to take it one day at a time and focus on smaller goals but it's hard not to feel overwhelmed by the task ahead. I've lost 18lbs so far with around 60 still to go.


  • scoii
    scoii Posts: 160 Member
    Just keep going. You've done so well so far, you don't need to change anything yet. You're 25% through your journey
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    I hear you bearbugbear. One pound at a time, baby. You'll get there, keep on grinding.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You are doing well, almost quarter of the way! Don't give up, keep plodding on and pound by pound you WILL get there, have faith in yourself :smile:
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Well, look at it this way, you recognized the issue at the start of this journey ... look at the amount of time it took to gain the excess lbs, and then the amount of time to shed the first 25% ... small steps can give great results :)
  • duddysdad
    duddysdad Posts: 403 Member
    You are doing great and there are people who need to and have lost 100s of pounds. Just like your journey, theirs started with a single pound lost over and over again. I started at 340 with a goal of 185, I know the feeling. Good luck.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,920 Member
    Time marches on and if you're alive you will either be gaining, maintaining, or losing.
    Out of the three, done right, losing has the most frequent built in rewards and happy moments.
    Are you making this as easy on you as you can while still meeting reasonable goals?
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Sounds like you're headed in the right direction. Keep at it, and don't give up! You can do it!
  • Fiqahana
    Fiqahana Posts: 93 Member
    Wow, good for you! I have 123lbs to lose. I'm just starting again, and going to try hard this time. Looking at how much I have to lose is scary, plus it's twice than what you have to lose my friend. So I say, let's step it one step at a time. Slowly but surely. Let's just support each other through our ups and downs and conquer our goals. Feel free to add me hunn, you go girl! :)
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Weight lost slowly is weight you can lose for life !
  • pldavis10
    pldavis10 Posts: 67 Member
    This is a lifetime commitment to a more healthy approach. When I find myself getting hung up on the numbers or dissatisfied with my rate of progress, it helps me to remember that I've already achieved the very much improved healthy lifestyle. Enjoy the fact that you're living a better life instead of thinking about how far you have to go. Because it sounds like you've made some really good improvements.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Thank you all for your encouragement, 23% of the total sounds much less daunting. I'll keep going, one pound at a time.

    Awesome. If you are like me you gained it one pound at a time. :)

    Losing the first 10-20% of one's goal and keeping it off I think is the hard part because of the steep learning curve.
  • LessToLoveTexas
    LessToLoveTexas Posts: 35 Member
    I sometimes feels the same way. I've lost 46 pounds so far but still have 68 pounds to go! We can do it though!!!
  • shellyb17
    shellyb17 Posts: 144 Member
    edited July 2016
    You can do it! What helped for me was breaking it down into small goals and rewarding myself for each goal met (example, after losing 10 lbs I'd buy a new lipstick, a charm for my bracelet, a workout outfit... or whatever floats your boat). :)
  • Indygirl_81
    Indygirl_81 Posts: 142 Member
    Take it a little at a time.... I put up a document with boxes for each pound I want to lose and cross it each box off as I lose it. I also put a few words up like determination, motivation, etc. I have only lost a few pounds and have about 130-140 left to lose.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I just focus on 10 pound blocks.
  • ubermofish
    ubermofish Posts: 102 Member
    edited July 2016
    I've lost 60lbs so far and I still have a little over 60 to go. Like others have said, set milestones for yourself and try to reach them, but not just in pounds lost. Try taking some clothes out of the "Someday" pile and make fitting into them a milestone. Set exercise records and try to break them. You will see improvements on things other than just the scale, and that is way more worth it.