Insanity Day 3 and calves are killing me

Okay, so I finished Insanity Day 3 and I thought my calves hurt yesterday. Well today they are twice as bad, it's not an unbearable paid, just feeling very tight. I actually kind of enjoy it, because I know something is happening lol.

My issue is the fact that A. want to make sure it's normal and I'm not doing any damage and B. It kinda slows me down for the first 10-15 minutes while I work through it until those muscles warm up enough.

Any comments would be great :) Especially from anyone who has experienced the same.


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    You are likely experiencing DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness), which is completely normal for the first week of insanity. I think every part of me hurt that first week. Light exercise, such as walking followed by stretching, should help reduce the soreness. As long as it is total muscle soreness and not a sharp pain at a single location, you should be fine. DOMS will typically go away after a few days (I didn't really get it again until I started month 2, and even then, it wasn't as severe). If you're worried that it's slowing you down, do an extra 15 minute warm-up before you start so that you're nice and loose before starting the "official" warm-up. Hope that helps.
  • StopherJJ
    StopherJJ Posts: 79
    Thank You So much! That's exactly what I was looking for.

    That little extra bit of security helps! lol
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    There are lots of reviews for this workout on Amazon -- many good reviews and some negative ones that talk about injuries (the 1-stars). I read through them when I was trying to decide whether to buy the DVD.

    Here's one excerpt that talks about leg pain:

    "Overall, this is a very good and challenging workout. I completed 7 weeks of the 9 week program and feel that I am in better shape cardiovascularly and my core is stronger. I didn't loose any weight and my body looks no different than when I started. However, I can't recommend this workout to anyone due to its unbalanced approach and high impact movements that can cause injury. I think you can achieve the same results with a lower impact workout. In addition, there is very little stretching (and what there is can be awkward) and Shawn T is not graceful in this respect. Also, there isn't any balance between working chest and back or quads and hamstrings. As a result, my experience suggests that this imbalance can lead to poor posture and potential injury. The lack of stretching is more alarming. I had such cramping in my legs, I couldn't lay flat without pain and had to sleep in the fetal position. It's frustrating because from a fitness perspective, the workouts were enjoyable and effective but just not worth the risk for injury.

    I've been working out for over 20 years (I'm 35, 5'9", 155 lbs, male) lifting weights, running, swimming, cycling, hiking, skiing, and practicing yoga. I've never had any serious injury due to any of my exercises. However, I had to stop walking up and down stairs around week 5 of this program even with icing my knees after every workout. I finally decided to stop the workout completely when I could not do the moves during the workout without joint pain (not the "good" burning pain from working out)."
  • lizmks
    lizmks Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on week 3 of insanity. My calves hurt the 1st week the soreness is gone now
    I think the soreness is from the butt kicks in the warm up section. Hang in there, the soreness goes away as your body gets used to the workout.
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    We'll get through it :)
  • NancyKhuu
    NancyKhuu Posts: 87 Member
    I'm on week 3 of insanity. My calves hurt the 1st week the soreness is gone now
    I think the soreness is from the butt kicks in the warm up section. Hang in there, the soreness goes away as your body gets used to the workout.

    I'm on week 4 now and while my bf says his calves hurt for a while, I felt absolutely no pain on my calves watsoever. What even stranger is his calves are very muscular and lean; mine are very not muscular nor lean. I feel lots of pain on my thighs however. We will get through this :)
  • evt84
    evt84 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm in week 4 of Insanity and I have to tell you--that first week KILLED my calves! I'd say by the beginning of week 2 it was much better. Keep going!! Insanity is great! Finishing up week 4 this week and on to "recovery week" next week. Scared for Month 2! :)
  • New_Keeley
    New_Keeley Posts: 170 Member

    I am on Day 4 today and my calves are agony!!!!! I can barely walk and couldn't stand flat on the floor when I got out of bed this morning! But I pushed play on CArdio REcovery (nothing recovery about that little gem!) and I felt much better after.

    Have to say it is now 1.30pm and I am in agony all over again.... but a slow stretch every half hour or so is helping....

    how I'm going to get up tomorrow for Pure Cardio with these calves is anyones guess...... but I will "dig deep" "press play" and get it done!!!!

    I'm told by week 3 the calf pain is much less intense!!
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    My calves seem to be OK so far (I'm on day 4!) but I know when I started good old 30 Day Shred a while back, my calves were like yours for the first week or so. I must be used to jumping up and down now!
  • Southern_Belle_LA
    Southern_Belle_LA Posts: 931 Member
    Had the same issue week one, I'm now in week two! Make sure you are stretching your calves out. There is a lot of stretching of other muscles but these get skipped and you make sure you get a good stretch in there, like during some of the water breaks I stretch them out. Those butt kicks are killer on the calves!
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    There are lots of reviews for this workout on Amazon -- many good reviews and some negative ones that talk about injuries (the 1-stars). I read through them when I was trying to decide whether to buy the DVD.

    Here's one excerpt that talks about leg pain:

    "Overall, this is a very good and challenging workout. I completed 7 weeks of the 9 week program and feel that I am in better shape cardiovascularly and my core is stronger. I didn't loose any weight and my body looks no different than when I started. However, I can't recommend this workout to anyone due to its unbalanced approach and high impact movements that can cause injury. I think you can achieve the same results with a lower impact workout. In addition, there is very little stretching (and what there is can be awkward) and Shawn T is not graceful in this respect. Also, there isn't any balance between working chest and back or quads and hamstrings. As a result, my experience suggests that this imbalance can lead to poor posture and potential injury. The lack of stretching is more alarming. I had such cramping in my legs, I couldn't lay flat without pain and had to sleep in the fetal position. It's frustrating because from a fitness perspective, the workouts were enjoyable and effective but just not worth the risk for injury.

    I've been working out for over 20 years (I'm 35, 5'9", 155 lbs, male) lifting weights, running, swimming, cycling, hiking, skiing, and practicing yoga. I've never had any serious injury due to any of my exercises. However, I had to stop walking up and down stairs around week 5 of this program even with icing my knees after every workout. I finally decided to stop the workout completely when I could not do the moves during the workout without joint pain (not the "good" burning pain from working out)."

    I would have to agree with the reviewer. Most of the participants in the video are in their 20s, so maybe its an age thing where the lack of stretching doesnt seem to hinder the younger audience? It could be that that individuals who arent as flexible have these issues as well? I have both strikes against me (almost 40 and poor flexibility). I wound up receiving a couple of lower body injuries doing this as well. One was a calf and the other was a glute.

    So my advice is listen to your body. If you need to warm up lightly and do extra stretching before hand then do that. One thing that did help me was when going through the Insanity warmup. Go at a pace that feels good. For example on the high knees in the first warmup round I would just lift my knees to my chest at a moderate pace. Theres no reason for me to high knee to my chest while in a dead sprint within the first 3 minutes of a workout. Thats just begging to be injured. Riught out of the starting block the intensity level are pretty ramped up and just starting out cold for a lot of people like that isnt the best thing. Im not suggesting you stretch for 30 minutes before starting this but there are a few Mobility, Warmup & stretches that could be done about 5-10 minutes prior that might help with the workout and your recovery. Good luck in staying safe!
  • TinkTribe
    TinkTribe Posts: 24 Member
    I'm on Day 4 and my calves hurt sooo bad too! And my lower back muscles. I've done Insanity before like a year ago but I was smaller than I am now so maybe that's why it's hurting so bad for me now. I was dreading yesterdays workout because I was soo sore and today is worse! Hoping this goes away when I do Cardio Recovery today. Good luck to you!!