Calling those who struggle with regular Coca Cola

The hardest thing for me to give up is regular Coke! I would like some friends that struggle with the same issue!


  • my friends always joke that I'm a coke addict, but I drink coca cola like it's going out of fashion!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I am drinking one right now. Try to keep it out of the house. I still get it when I really want it, but having to go out of the house makes it easier for me to say no.
  • jennifernlorusso
    jennifernlorusso Posts: 1 Member
    I have been addicted to Soda or Coca Cola for at least 15 years. Can't remember a day without it. After having my 3rd baby and really really not wanting to gain anymore weight I realized I had not had a glass of water in 6 weeks! I new, something HAD to change, if I want to be healthy for my kids, I have to make a change. I have not had a sip of soda since June 1st. It's the hardest, yet most rewarding thing I have done for myself. It took 2 full weeks to not have a craving, and after the craving stopped, I would get cravings for sugar, chocolate crap food. After 3 weeks the cravings stopped, and all of a sudden I had soooo much energy. More energy than when I would make an excuse to have a coke because I "needed" it. Whether I was stressed out, or needed the caffine, It was my crutch. Now when I no longer shudder when someone cracks open a nice cold can, and I hear that hiss of the carbonation. I don't miss it. I started drinking water with lemon and lime wedges. And if I really need the carbonation I will have flavored water. I am so happy I decided to stop.
    HEAMOM3 Posts: 8
    Dr Pepper was my vice. The caffeine withdraws like to killed me alone, but, gave it up last year (on my first round of MFP) and now I dont care for it. That's one thing I never thought I could give up. but I did I replaced one soda a day for water , and soon, i was drinking more water then soda and then gave it up completely, not easy but worth it :)
  • Wmy890
    Wmy890 Posts: 12
    Causes rusty blood vessels, hoping you can stop drinking coke. Good luck.