Starting over... again..again..again

Not exactly new, but starting over...again! Any advice on sticking with it?


  • Camish911
    Camish911 Posts: 150 Member
    edited July 2016
    They say, "If you are tired of starting over then stop giving up," but I've had to start over multiple times. The important part is that you DO start over again. It definitely helps if you have some kind of goal in mind.
  • Breezyy32
    Breezyy32 Posts: 39 Member
    Enjoy the little things! By this I mean set yourself exercise goals I always do this and when you achieve them create a new one to add to what you accomplished. Eventually all the little things get you to where you want to be
  • BiondaM
    BiondaM Posts: 19 Member
    Making any kind of life change is not easy. When I first started I felt so discouraged when I learned that my body does not need the number of calories I was consuming, based on my activity level. So if I want to eat, I have to burn more calories. And the smaller I got the fewer calories my body needed to maintain a lower weight. So I aim for quality calories and just said good-bye to the crap food that made me feel like crap anyway.

    At first I logged all of my food, which was a very humbling experience...and still is. I tend to underestimate the calories/fat/sugar, etc. in foods and had to reduce portion sizes considerably. Biggest thing for me - after-dinner snacking in front of the TV: worst habit ever!

    It took me a year to lose 25lb (under a previous profile), and I'm fine with that. The sooner I let go of my impatience the better I felt. No quick fix, just accountability and support. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • 100poundsx
    100poundsx Posts: 87 Member
    Hey, starting over is commendable. It's so easy to fall off the wagon and convince ourselves we're happy and healthy. Being able to get back on is something to congratulate! I find the best way to hold yourself accountable to what you're eating is to make your food diary public. So others can see what you're eating. I know if I'm logging junk everyday, I might lose friends because they can tell I'm not serious or they might question my ability to be a good influence and friend for their journey. Feel free to add me :)
  • GNRfan
    GNRfan Posts: 56 Member
    I started over for the third time in April so I know how you feel! I think the trick to sticking with it is to just find what works for you. I haven't found mine yet either but optimism is key! Feel free to add :)