Hypothyroidism and Weightloss



  • Thanks for the additional info! I have been taking notes of the info that has been shared on this post :)
    I went to the Dr for some blood work... the Dr said that he may be increasing my dosage from 50 mcg to 75 mcg. OH! And to my surprise, I lost weight according to his scale... I think his scale may be a little off but I will take it anyways :)

  • The thyroid is the master gland of the metabolism. Tons of things need to be changed before weight loss will befriend us...

    Get the chemicals out of the diet.
    Get the polyunsaturated fats out of your diet too. PUFA's are toxic to our bodies and are destructive to our thyroids...
    Get the processed foods out.
    Time your carbs.
    Consider taking T3 AND T4 medications
    Exercise....weight train.
    Most of all,.....never lose hope! There's a trillion ways to the finish line, just gotta figure out what works best for you. From here on out, its trial and error. Good luck! :)

    Hope this helps! :)