Alcoholic or Foodaholic



  • I can live without booze but for me it became a coping issue for social situations and if I was upset about something I would drink to forget (past tragic events). I usually would drink just on the weekends and maybe have a drink during the week. As far as weight; I didnt really gain weight but the alcohol made it difficult to lose weight. It was difficult to quit drinking-I am a member of the Elks Lodge (which is essentially a bar) and my husband is a beer enthusiast (past frat boy). He put a kegerator in our garage...It is difficult to quit when your life is surrounded by...well, drinking alcohol.
    I am 32 years old and I still don't know my limit. Just be careful and be sure you are surrounded by people you trust.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    Being 18 and having some out of control alcohol binges now and then is normal. Try having a glass of a no alcohol drink on between and see how you get on.

    I am more worried about you drinking whilst on an anti depressant however, as alcohol is a natural depressant and influences your mood swings. I have had my stint on the happy pills myself, be careful of mixing alcohol with them, as tempting as it might be, it's really not the greatest option out there.