When you don't hit your calorie goal at the end of the day



  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    I wish this happened to me!

    Eat whatever tastes good.

    High in calories: peanut butter, nuts, avocado, Icecream etc
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I always struggle to meet my calorie intake, I have a lot of salad foods for my 2 main meals. I am taking orlistat so I have to watch my fat intake and I try to lower my carbs too. I swim 3 times a week and this allows me another 600 calories which I never use up.
    Any advice would be helpful as I do struggle

    generally you need to pick one macro to reduce (fat, carbs or protein) trying to do two can be far to restrictive, as you're finding out.


    By lowering fat & carbs, all that's left is protein. Try something more moderate......something that will help you transition to a lifestyle change. Losing the weight is just the first step. You have a lifetime of keeping the weight off. Will you be low(er) carb forever? Will you be low(er) fat forever? .......Pick something in between.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    I am frequently under my calories weekdays, however, once the weekend hits, I put them all to good use. As long as I hit my target throughout the 7 days I am not bothered, I happily save them so I can cash in my balance for something I am looking forward to. I have had a *kitten* stressful week this week, so got my eyes on a nice dinner and a bottle of wine. No I am not sharing. I have saved calories for this treat and I will enjoy every drop of it.

    So there goes, don't undereat over the 7 days but don't feel guilty for saving up some calories for something you really want to spend them on either.