Opinions on ItWork's Greens

Hi everyone!

I am thinking about purchasing the ItWorks Greens, but I am on the fence about it.

Everything about ItWorks seems scammy to me...but I have a friend who is a new distributer and I want to help her out. However I'm not going to fall into the "wrap your body in saran wrap" scheme. I want to try a product that seems more logical, like a green juice.

There isn't really anything else from ItWorks I would be interested in.

Has anyone tried the "greens"? Did you like it?
What did it help you with? Energy, weight-loss (with a good diet and exercise of course), etc.?

Basically I'm just wanting some opinions on the greens because everything I look up online is bias because every single review seems to be from a distributer...


  • JaneSnowe
    JaneSnowe Posts: 1,283 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am thinking about purchasing the ItWorks Greens, but I am on the fence about it.

    Everything about ItWorks seems scammy to me...but I have a friend who is a new distributer and I want to help her out. However I'm not going to fall into the "wrap your body in saran wrap" scheme. I want to try a product that seems more logical, like a green juice.

    There isn't really anything else from ItWorks I would be interested in.

    Has anyone tried the "greens"? Did you like it?
    What did it help you with? Energy, weight-loss (with a good diet and exercise of course), etc.?

    Basically I'm just wanting some opinions on the greens because everything I look up online is bias because every single review seems to be from a distributer...

    You sound like a good friend. :)

    I haven't tried the product, but I think everything you need to know is right there in your last sentence.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Its overpriced and not magical. It wont make you lose weight or give you any more energy than eating your veggies will!

    If you want a green drink.....blend some spinach, kale or whatever greens you fancy, into a smoothie or other juice.
  • Sierra_Christine97
    Sierra_Christine97 Posts: 39 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    Its overpriced and not magical. It wont make you lose weight or give you any more energy than eating your veggies will!

    If you want a green drink.....blend some spinach, kale or whatever greens you fancy, into a smoothie or other juice.

    Well, I mean I don't usually have time to make green juice like that. I am a full time college student, and I have a job so quick is good for me! The "Greens" from ItWorks I think is a powder and you just put it in you water, shake it up, and go!

    I think it is overpriced too, but so is buying a bunch of fruits and veggies to make a juice out of that will probably go bad because I don't have time to get to them to make a smoothie before they turn! Ahhh

    Have you tried it?

  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    One product a company sells is an obvious scam but you're not sure about one of their other products? You ever feel like a shady used car salesman's dream?
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi everyone!

    I am thinking about purchasing the ItWorks Greens, but I am on the fence about it.

    Everything about ItWorks seems scammy to me...but I have a friend who is a new distributer and I want to help her out. However I'm not going to fall into the "wrap your body in saran wrap" scheme. I want to try a product that seems more logical, like a green juice.

    There isn't really anything else from ItWorks I would be interested in.

    Has anyone tried the "greens"? Did you like it?
    What did it help you with? Energy, weight-loss (with a good diet and exercise of course), etc.?

    Basically I'm just wanting some opinions on the greens because everything I look up online is bias because every single review seems to be from a distributer...

    If your friend wants to buy into BS, let her. Eat real food, get real results. Your calories are better consumed chewed. If you want a green drink, then get some kale, spinach, or Swiss chard and make a green drink. If it sounds like a scam, it is.
    Time is an excuse. You make time for what's important. On a Sunday when you don't have class make a few blenders full of green crap. Put one in the fridge and put the rest in the freezer. On Monday take Tuesday's out of the freezer to defrost for Tuesday. Takes at most 30 minutes a week and you're saving yourself a ton of money. Besides who knows what they put in that *kitten*. Food is much more regulated than "dietary supplements." Plus, if you make your own you get all the good stuff. The fiber! None of that will be in the powder.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    TBH, I drink the greens. I love them. They taste good, and it (to me) is better than taking a little vitamin that is going to come out looking the same as it did going in. :-x Seriously. Google that ****.

    I am not a distributor. I started getting them on auto delivery about a year ago. I don't always remember to drink it. Sometimes I have it a couple times a day. Depends on my day. But they are tasty for sure. I've used them in my smoothies, mixed in water, mixed in yogurt... I like them.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    No real experience with the product, but as I rule I avoid any company or product which advertises itself as something that should be a basic expectation of any product. It would be like buying a car from a company called "ItDoesn'tRandomlyExplode", or food from a company called "NotRatPoison". I only once broke this rule, with a Toro lawnmower advertised as "always starts". Three guesses as to why I recently had to fix it :wink:

    Anyhow, if the nutrients are good, and you like the taste, and you are okay with the price, go for it, but it's nothing you couldn't get elsewhere. Weight loss is all about how much you eat compared to how much you burn.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    As a general rule anything sold via MLM can be bought cheaper through conventional retail channels (if you actually think the product is worth buying in the first place).

    As soon as anything gets touted as a superfood my BS detector goes on red alert, like the others I prefer to chew my calories but if you're pressed for time and feel like you're not getting enough veggies grab some V8 or other vegetable cocktail from your local supermarket.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    Its overpriced and not magical. It wont make you lose weight or give you any more energy than eating your veggies will!

    If you want a green drink.....blend some spinach, kale or whatever greens you fancy, into a smoothie or other juice.

    Well, I mean I don't usually have time to make green juice like that. I am a full time college student, and I have a job so quick is good for me! The "Greens" from ItWorks I think is a powder and you just put it in you water, shake it up, and go!

    I think it is overpriced too, but so is buying a bunch of fruits and veggies to make a juice out of that will probably go bad because I don't have time to get to them to make a smoothie before they turn! Ahhh

    Have you tried it?

    Why not just buy a bunch of fruit and veggies and actually eat them...juicing is just a fad. Beyond that, if you don't mind the price, the nutrition is just fine...but you can get all of that and more elsewhere.
  • mysticwryter
    mysticwryter Posts: 111 Member
    Honestly, I think you're better off with a multi-vitamin than going with the It-Works greens. I've never had it but I've had friends who tried it and they felt nothing out of it. My mom did the distributor thing and she tried the wraps, didn't do anything for her.
  • kendra_lyndra
    kendra_lyndra Posts: 2 Member
    I have two friends who are distributors for itWorks..... They are always posting photos of "before and after" results. I don't think they even know who the people in the photos are..... and never have they put themselves in these results. In fact, they are both heavily over weight. One of them looks like she has PUT ON weight since she started selling the products. I truly think it is a scam. Don't waste your money, even to help out a friend. Your friend will probably be done selling in a month or two anyways.

    I've lost 20lbs by strictly monitoring my calories in/calories out. That's the best method I can promote.
  • Sierra_Christine97
    Sierra_Christine97 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks everyone.

    I dont want anyone thinking I'm trying a fad because I can't eat healthy or workout to lose weight. Dont get me wrong, I workout, count my calories, and I don't like the idea of "quick fixes" and this company seems to support that. The only thing I thought worthy of asking anyone about was the "Greens".

    Also, I do eat fruits and veggies. Quite a lot actually. I just never have time to make them into a liquid form so I can take them to go.

    I dont know if you guys have had a smashed banana in your backpack before or not, or a rotted bag of carrots stinking up your bag, but it isnt pretty...or fragrance friendly...Haha

    When I am on the go it would be nice to have a smoothie or something to just drink and the greens seemed like a good idea, but I agree with whoever said to make them in advance.

    Thanks for the feedback. I don't think I will be purchasing the Greens.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    Thanks everyone.

    I dont want anyone thinking I'm trying a fad because I can't eat healthy or workout to lose weight. Dont get me wrong, I workout, count my calories, and I don't like the idea of "quick fixes" and this company seems to support that. The only thing I thought worthy of asking anyone about was the "Greens".

    Also, I do eat fruits and veggies. Quite a lot actually. I just never have time to make them into a liquid form so I can take them to go.

    I dont know if you guys have had a smashed banana in your backpack before or not, or a rotted bag of carrots stinking up your bag, but it isnt pretty...or fragrance friendly...Haha

    When I am on the go it would be nice to have a smoothie or something to just drink and the greens seemed like a good idea, but I agree with whoever said to make them in advance.

    Thanks for the feedback. I don't think I will be purchasing the Greens.

    Good choice. And it really doesn't take much time to throw some stuff in the blender and make your own smoothies.
  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member
    I find they make me super bloated and gassy unless I made it into a smoothie which kinda defeats the purpose in the first place (my hubby bought me a bunch thro his sister to 'help her out') about the only reason they might make you have any more energy is because it has magnesium in it (which a lot of people are deficient in). Expensive and don't really do anything special.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    It works is a multi level marketing scam
    Low quality products at a high cost