Weight loss

mturnerfit Posts: 2 Member
edited July 2016 in Success Stories
Hello everybody! I'm on a weight loss journey and wanted to ask everybody on here about your average weight loss per week and if you all ever allowed fast food into your daily calorie allowance. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated! ♥️


  • JinjoJoey
    JinjoJoey Posts: 106 Member
    I started out at losing 2lbs a week. It was pretty easy at first, because I was quite overweight. As you get lighter, it tends to get a little harder to lose weight, quickly, unless you really cut major calories. I recently adjusted my goal to lose half a pound to one pound a week and that's comfortable for me. Many people allow fast food in their diets, as well as other "bad" food. As long as you come in under goal and are eating at a deficit, you'll lose weight. Just make sure you're getting proper nutrition and remember, a lot of fast food is pretty poor quality and just makes you hungrier. Keep that in mind when choosing your food.
  • louann_jude
    louann_jude Posts: 307 Member
    Your loss will be different depending on your size when you started. When I started I had a 3-4 pound loss a week but I was 130 pounds over weight. I am half way to goal now and lose 1-2 pounds a week. If you only have five or ten pounds to lose you may only lose a half a pound a week.

    I eat out only about once a week. I research where were going first and find the best fit for me. I usually log it first then plan my other meals around it. I will just get a sandwich and then instead of fries I get the side salad with lite dressing. I usually stick to Wendy's or Burger King. I also love Bob Evans and order off the kids menu.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    I sent my initial goal at 2 to 3 pounds per week and it did work. Over a six-month period I lost about 65 pounds. If you plug your numbers into the mfp app and it'll give your calories follow that use it as a general guideline it does work.

    As far as fast food hell yeah. I still enjoy the occasional Wendy's cheeseburger slice of pizza or two and a couple beers on the beach. If I had to give those up I could never have done what I've done. You can't look at this as a diet. diets suck and that's why they fail you constantly give stuff up and you're miserable. Look at this as a lifestyle change. Yes you don't want to overdo fast food but having fast food once in awhile will not ruin your goals.

    As simple as it sounds, you eat less calories than your body Burns you will lose weight.
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