Calories from MFP

xWondertje Posts: 65 Member
Hey guys!

I'm currently using MFP to calculate how many calories I need to eat and it has given me a number of 1730 calories per day, net.

Now as I've searched around the Internet I've realised that the number of calories of course will become lower as I lose more weight. I'm currently 105kg, but when I'm 70kg I will need less calories if I want to continue losing weight.

My question is now, does MFP change this automatically as I record my weight or will I need to change it manually?

Thanks for answers :smile:


  • WhileIStillCan
    WhileIStillCan Posts: 4 Member
    Hello from Los Angeles! Yes, I remember from my previous experience on here that your calories will automatically recalculate each time you enter a new weight. If not, go to "update diet/fitness profile" under settings, and make sure that your current weight is accurately reflected there.

    Once your calorie allotment hits 1200, it will not go lower.

    It is recommended that as a person gets closer to goal weight, they reduce their weekly weight loss goal to allow for the maximum number of calories.

    Best wishes!
  • xWondertje
    xWondertje Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for your reply! :smile:
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    MFP doesn't recalculate your calories unless you tell it to. If you haven't within the past ten pounds (a bit under 5kg) lost, then it will prompt you to update.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,834 Member
    It never did for me. I just set the goal again after each 5kg or so and this updated everything. I also ended up doing this a few times because MFP was acting up and suddenly gave me something like 1200kcal or 2200kcal. If the numbers suddenly start to look odd I would set the goal again.