Don't Stop Believing

Well, I have. Have you ever lost faith in yourself with trying to lose weight? It seems that I've tried so many times and I just keep failing. At some point, it feels like you're a lost cause if you can't get it right. Have you ever been this low about weight loss and come back from it? How did you do it?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think it can be a help for you if you stop believing, and instead start to trust the process. Weight loss and management is a simple process (maths - calories in have to be fewer than calories out), but that's not necessarily easy to adhere to - you will have to put in some effort, but not too much - you will have to resist temptation, but not all the time - the point here is that you're not supposed to "get it right", because you can stick to "right" just for short periods of time, when everything lines up and your life feels perfect. This isn't a realistic everyday goal. All you have to do to succeed with weight loss, is to make good choices more often than you make bad choices. Identify your personal hurdles, and find ways to get past them - maybe stop trying to get through them, and instead learn how to go around, over or under, or you could make them topple.

    I struggled for years because I tried to "eat healthy and exercise". That isn't my thing. But real food in appropriate amounts and moving more is, and it made me lose 50 pounds, and I've been keeping them off for 20 months now - the longest period ever that I've been at a stable weight.