Struggle struggle

I can do good all week then binge


  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    That sucks. Do you feel hungry all week? How large is your deficit? If I try to cut down TOO MUCH I mentally can't take it and I snap too, so I have set MFP to lose 1lb a week, and I am trying that for a while.

    And I also snap if I try to eat 'super healthy' like low-carb and 100% veggies because I feel like I'm depriving myself. So I try to plan each meal so it has grains, proteins, fruits, veggies & dairy, so I feel like I've had a well rounded meal. And I allot 300 calories here and there for a coffee and a chocolate bar for when I need a pick me up.

    I still go over on my calories sometimes, but I try not to go over by more than my deficit (500 cals) on those days, instead of thousands and thousands.

    Good luck! I hope you find what triggers your extra eating and can figure out a way to avoid it!
  • miheath85
    miheath85 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't know if this is good advice. But, it helps me. I've found that a structured diet plan works for me. And I work my "cheat" into that. I have a hard time knowing that I plan on never eating a piece of candy again. So I'll either work in healthy snack/treats to look forward to and have on hand. Or will give myself one cheat to look forward to. But keep it as one thing (ie. One candybar, 1 cookie, etc.) That way, I'm technically still sticking to my "plan" and there's not that same sense of m throwing it all down the toilet with a binge. You've got this!

    Someone once said, if you mess up, brush it off and get back on track in that exact moment. Don't wait for tomorrow or for Monday. Get back on track immediately and that moment won't define you.
  • atitagain1958
    atitagain1958 Posts: 160 Member
    You've gotten some good advise. Don't deprive yourself or you WILL binge. I also round my meals out. I've found protein to be a BIG help in tiding me over to the next meal or snack. I also make sure I eat about every 4 hours. Since I like my sweets too, the first thing I put in my diary every day is my ice cream bar or sandwich I have every night. Everything else is planned around that. I've stopped all sugar substitutes and other sugary non-healthy foods. (They just make you crave more) Oh, I DO keep 2 pieces of dark chocolate in the freezer but surprisingly I haven't had the urge to eat them. I keep Kashi Chocolate Almond Sea Salt with Chia granola bars around because they make a great snack. 140 cal. 5 gm. protein. And the chia also helps curb your appetite.

    Are you craving certain foods or just grabbing whatever you can? Are you bored? Are you lonely?

    And yes...if you do go off track...just get right back on! Track EVERYTHING you eat. Even if it's a whole pizza or an entire bag of chips. It's important that we "see" what those calories look like. We don't think about them when we shovel it in our mouths but if we see that number and remember, it might stop you from making that choice the next time. This is a learning process. We need to learn what our bad habits are and be willing to make some changes in our lives. But NO ONE is perfect. So don't beat yourself up! And remember, you are NOT alone! I used to binge too!! So I KNOW you can do this!! If I can...YOU CAN!!! Look yourself in the mirror every Saturday and Sunday morning and tell yourself you will stay on track. Tell yourself you will not binge! Sounds silly, I know, but it helped me! Good luck!!!