I haven't lost in FOREVER!!

Hi, I've had a huge weight loss of 100lbs over the last year and still have 30-40lbs to go but the scales haven't shifted in weeks. I do running, HIIT and classes at the gym and i've lost a few inches lately but I thought it would have been more with the effort i've been putting in. I have hypothyroidism and PCOS both of which i'm on medication for but even if it is those slowing me down, surely the exercise must outweigh it at some point


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited July 2016
    unfortunately more exercise is not the answer. Its all about the calories and tracking what you're eating as accurately as possible, have you loosened up on some of your logging perhaps?

    As we get nearer to an ideal weight we need less calories, how many have you been eating?
  • MichaelaSheppard
    MichaelaSheppard Posts: 96 Member
    I always have at least 500 calories left over. Some times i get the warnings of not eating enough
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited July 2016
    and are you tracking your food accurately, using a food scale etc? logging every single thing?

    perhaps your exercise burns are being overestimated, they usually are on MFP especially so you might not really have a 500 cal deficit at all.

    How many weeks since you last lost weight?

    You said how much of a deficit you had but not how many gross calories you are eating? that would give me a better idea...

    Thanks, Ruth
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    Okay, well don't leave calories uneaten. I always ate every delicious exercise calorie.

    How do you feel? What are your weight-loss goals? "Lose 2 pounds" "...1 pound"?
  • MichaelaSheppard
    MichaelaSheppard Posts: 96 Member
    and are you tracking your food accurately, using a food scale etc? logging every single thing?

    perhaps your exercise burns are being overestimated, they usually are on MFP especially so you might not really have a 500 cal deficit at all.

    How many weeks since you last lost weight?

    You said how much of a deficit you had but not how many gross calories you are eating? that would give me a better idea...

    Thanks, Ruth

    Could you take a look at my diary to see if there is anything obvious? I've probably got a bit slack at being rigid with the logging
  • TakingBackForever
    TakingBackForever Posts: 564 Member
    I found that I got diet fatigue really bad after about 6 months (40 pounds down). I started to not be as detailed or consistent with my logging. After I started to weigh and log everything again (no little bites of this or that), the weightloss picked up where I left off.
  • MichaelaSheppard
    MichaelaSheppard Posts: 96 Member
    It does sound like i need to use the scales again on every meal. I do have my favourite recipes that i make alot and judge some of the measures. Thanks for your input guys
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    Most entries in your diary are in cups and teaspoons/tablespoons. Everything should be weighed - it's the only way to be as precise as possible. As an example, I used to measure out a 1/2 cup of oats. When I weighed that level 1/2 cup, it was a lot more than the 40g serving size (package read 1/2 cup/40g per serving). It may not sound like a lot, but those things add up!
  • MichaelaSheppard
    MichaelaSheppard Posts: 96 Member
    I don't feel as annoyed and lacking motivation now. Thanks
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Also, your body might be used to how you're eating, it will always adjust so it won't lose weight, that's the natural way of it (your metabolism has adjusted so you have to shake some things up).

    2 ways I know to stop this.
    1. Go into your maintenance calorie goal for a month. Your body will be use to eating that way and you will change your metabolism when you start going for weight lose again.
    2. Calorie Cycle. It only works with about 300 calories a day (don't go below MFP minimum recommendations). But basically - 1 day eat 300 calories less, 2nd day eat regular amount, 3rd day eat 300 more.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    Also, your body might be used to how you're eating, it will always adjust so it won't lose weight, that's the natural way of it (your metabolism has adjusted so you have to shake some things up).

    2 ways I know to stop this.
    1. Go into your maintenance calorie goal for a month. Your body will be use to eating that way and you will change your metabolism when you start going for weight lose again.
    2. Calorie Cycle. It only works with about 300 calories a day (don't go below MFP minimum recommendations). But basically - 1 day eat 300 calories less, 2nd day eat regular amount, 3rd day eat 300 more.

    This is just not true.

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    It does sound like i need to use the scales again on every meal. I do have my favourite recipes that i make alot and judge some of the measures. Thanks for your input guys

    I like how you are being positive :smile: we all get slack at times, been there, done that! but if the scale sticks it means we need to start being more vigilent again. I'll have a look at your diary now and see if anything jumps out but it sounds like you know yourself that you aren't just being as accurate.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Ok I'm back :smiley: I see a lot of cup measures and tablespoons - weighing those things you could/will most likely find that you are having a bigger portion than you thought. These extra calories all add up and lead to less of a deficit or none at all, hence the lack of losing weight.
  • MichaelaSheppard
    MichaelaSheppard Posts: 96 Member
    Ok I'm back :smiley: I see a lot of cup measures and tablespoons - weighing those things you could/will most likely find that you are having a bigger portion than you thought. These extra calories all add up and lead to less of a deficit or none at all, hence the lack of losing weight.

    Thank you so much for your time. I'll crack down on that straight away
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited July 2016
    and I notice that some entries are missing, some days no lunch etc.... did you really only eat 900 calories one day??
    When it comes to potatoes/pasta/rice weigh the raw item in grams. Peanut butter is calorie dense so weigh that too, weigh everything really - I know it might seem a bit of faffing about but really those few minutes a day will be worth it and you'll start seeing results again.

    Wishing you all the best - you have done terrifically so far and you will continue to do so. :smile:
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I want to applaud you for your hard work in your progress. So amazing! I also really like the fact that you took the advice to heart - I don't see it often here - and are adjusting based on the awesome recommendations. Kudos to you and good luck on reaching your goals!
  • MichaelaSheppard
    MichaelaSheppard Posts: 96 Member
    and I notice that some entries are missing, some days no lunch etc.... did you really only eat 900 calories one day??
    When it comes to potatoes/pasta/rice weigh the raw item in grams. Peanut butter is calorie dense so weigh that too, weigh everything really - I know it might seem a bit of faffing about but really those few minutes a day will be worth it and you'll start seeing results again.

    Wishing you all the best - you have done terrifically so far and you will continue to do so. :smile:

    Thank you again
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Judgement and guess work does work up until the point where your errors outweigh your caloric deficit. Use scales; measure everything with calories, stay under your maintenance calories and you will lose weight.