Food scale probs

Hi everyone! I started using a food scale this week and I made my meal prep Sunday super simple so I could get a grasp on how to use to scale ect. I'm thinking about making a crock pot meal for my meals prep next week . How would I go about weighing the ingredients, and measuring out portions, any tips?Is it going to be super complicated?


  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    edited July 2016
    I just preweigh ingredients in separate containers, and set them to the side until each is needed.
    Portions can get complicated for liquid based things, but because I bulk cook only for myself, I'll break it down post cook, then weigh the total, split it by the number of servings I want, the weigh it out into containers again before sticking them in the fridge. Yes, my refrigerator looks like I am sponsored by Ziploc.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    It's pretty much just simple arithmetic. Weigh all your raw ingredients as you add them and use the "recipe" function on MFP. Then, weigh the finished product and divide it into as many portions as you need, then you can simply set the recipe you built to have that many servings and it'll give you calories per portion.

    Some people will instead weigh the finished product and then set a portion as 1g, then add however many grams they're eating, which works too (so say your whole meal weighs 1200g and you're eating 300g, you'd just enter 300 servings of the meal.) That works well if you're not dividing it evenly, but if you are I think the first method is simpler.
  • koslowkj
    koslowkj Posts: 188 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Some people will instead weigh the finished product and then set a portion as 1g, then add however many grams they're eating, which works too (so say your whole meal weighs 1200g and you're eating 300g, you'd just enter 300 servings of the meal.) That works well if you're not dividing it evenly, but if you are I think the first method is simpler.

    This is what I do. Just a heads up though, it's a little more inconvenient when you're using a crock pot because you can't just put the whole thing on the scale and subtract the weight of the pot because it's usually too heavy for the scale to read (for mine at least).