Anyone maintaining and still fasting?

I find that I got so much benefit from my fast days, including better control over my blood sugar (no more spikes and crashes) that I've wanted to keep one day of fasting in my eating plan. The only small problem is remembering that I can go over my maintenance calories on occasion to make up. I also find that I do better generally if I skip breakfast on every day, not just fasting days (less hungry that way).

I'd love to hear from others who practice some form of fasting. :smile:


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited July 2016
    Are you using the 24 hour fasting to keep yourself below maintenance calories for week? Is this not giving you a deficit at the end of the week?

    I have been doing a form of IF just about all my life, I delay "break fast" everyday till about lunch time.. I eat all my calories in about 6 hours..
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Surely you have to go over daily maintenance calories to compensate?

    I did 5:2 to lose, then maintained on 5:2, then switched to 6:1. Then got out of the habit when my wife stopped fasting.
    Tried 16:8 Leangains style for a while. Wasn't keen on the regimented feel of that but reinforced that I'm no more or less hungry by lunchtime whether I eat breakfast or not.

    Now I just see breakfast as an optional meal and an easy way to regulate calories when logging food or correcting any upwards weight drift when I'm not.

    Leaned something from all the experimentation but it's just not something I feel inclined to do right now. I only did it for adherence reasons rather than any medical need though.
  • ricktrill
    ricktrill Posts: 19 Member
    I haven't hit my goal weight yet, but I'm continuing to lose by doing the 5/2. I plan on sticking with the fasting for like, ever, because I also do it for spiritual reasons.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Are you using the 24 hour fasting to keep yourself below maintenance calories for week? Is this not giving you a deficit at the end of the week?

    I have been doing a form of IF just about all my life, I delay "break fast" everyday till about lunch time.. I eat all my calories in about 6 hours..

    Not really - as I said, fasting does good things for my body, so I am keeping it up but to just one day a week. Doing it the way you do it has also been shown to be beneficial.