Major sweet tooth but want to lose weight

So I have a major sweet tooth and everyone will always tell me just eat fruit instead of candy and i thought to myself that i will NEVER find something that replaces that goodness until i found dried mangoes!! And then my mum tells me that to lose weight u have to cut off fruits too, i will be MISERABLE i don't think i can do this honestly. And let's say i can't really eat those mangoes in moderation..


  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    You can still eat sweets and lose weight.
    I've lost lots of weight by eating the same foods I always have. The only difference is: I weigh all my food on a food scale and log everything.

    No need to cut out anything unless you have a medical condition.. Just weigh and log and stick to your calories. Food doesn't cause weight gain unless you eat above your maintenance calories.
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    You don't have to cut out fruits to lose weight. All you have to do is eat less calories than you burn.

    Put your stats into MFP, eat the calories it says (make sure to weigh your food!) and you will lose weight.

  • xCyanideGirlx
    xCyanideGirlx Posts: 116 Member
    Why cut anything out? just budget it into your calories. There are days where i eat literally nothing but pizza and still lose weight because i stick to my calorie goal
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I would stop listening to your mum. I ate ice cream almost every day while losing. Cutting sweets helps a lot of people get into a calorie deficit, and you should be sure you're getting plenty of other foods into your day beyond sweets. But cutting fruit? What's your mom's reasoning for that?
  • linlinjay
    linlinjay Posts: 66 Member
    choppie70 wrote: »
    You don't have to cut out fruits to lose weight. All you have to do is eat less calories than you burn.

    Put your stats into MFP, eat the calories it says (make sure to weigh your food!) and you will lose weight.

    So if i eat 2000 cals a day i need to burn more than 2000?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    linlinjay wrote: »
    choppie70 wrote: »
    You don't have to cut out fruits to lose weight. All you have to do is eat less calories than you burn.

    Put your stats into MFP, eat the calories it says (make sure to weigh your food!) and you will lose weight.

    So if i eat 2000 cals a day i need to burn more than 2000?

    Yes, but don't forget to count all those calories your body burns just keeping you alive. You don't need to burn them all through exercise. That would be ridiculous!
  • linlinjay
    linlinjay Posts: 66 Member
    linlinjay wrote: »
    choppie70 wrote: »
    You don't have to cut out fruits to lose weight. All you have to do is eat less calories than you burn.

    Put your stats into MFP, eat the calories it says (make sure to weigh your food!) and you will lose weight.

    So if i eat 2000 cals a day i need to burn more than 2000?

    Yes, but don't forget to count all those calories your body burns just keeping you alive. You don't need to burn them all through exercise. That would be ridiculous!

    What else do I do to burn them?
    And thank you so much for helping me!!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    linlinjay wrote: »
    linlinjay wrote: »
    choppie70 wrote: »
    You don't have to cut out fruits to lose weight. All you have to do is eat less calories than you burn.

    Put your stats into MFP, eat the calories it says (make sure to weigh your food!) and you will lose weight.

    So if i eat 2000 cals a day i need to burn more than 2000?

    Yes, but don't forget to count all those calories your body burns just keeping you alive. You don't need to burn them all through exercise. That would be ridiculous!

    What else do I do to burn them?
    And thank you so much for helping me!!

    I burn about 1550 calories just being alive, heart pumping, lungs breathing, etc. I burn further calories going to work every day, cooking dinner, brushing my teeth. Most of your calorie burn comes from everyday activities. Exercise is great, but it's not that big a calorie burn in the grand scheme of things.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Also, have you had a chance yet to read any of the Most Helpful Posts ( must reads ) stickied at the top of each forum section? There's some great info there, especially on the Getting Started and General Diet boards.

  • PatentlyD
    PatentlyD Posts: 4 Member
    I too have a sweet tooth and find this part of weight loss really hard. But you don't need to cut out fresh fruit. It's rich in vitamins, fibre and has low energy density. I'd be cautious around dried fruit though, it can be very calorie rich. As always, weigh and log. Good luck.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    To lose weight you don't have to give up anything. It's just a matter of controlling the amount of calories you eat.

    Just plug your stats into the mfp profile tell it how much weight you want to lose. 1 to 2 pounds a week is realistic and then it's just a matter of weighing and logging your food and counting your calories. Myself. I have not given up anything that I enjoy. i like the occasional Wendy's hamburger slice or two of pizza and a couple beers on the beach. I'm also a rabid fruit eater. On average I'll have three to four pieces a day.

    This Is My Philosophy. Don't look at this as a diet diets totally suck you give up stuff that you enjoy your miserable and you're stressed out. Look at this is a lifestyle change. By looking at it as a lifestyle change it'll work. You need to educate yourself as far as the food you're eating how much your eating portion size and calories this is a learning process. From my own experience all I can tell you is two things you have to be in the proper mental stage for this to work you really have to want it and if you follow the NFP guidelines over long term they will work
  • hayliegrace88
    hayliegrace88 Posts: 16 Member
    I too have a sweet tooth as well I find that fruit only does the trick for me about 50% of the time.. I always keep hard candy like mints around so if I need something more I just suck a price of candy, so far I've lost 19 lbs since April so it must not be that bad... Sweets are my hardest obstacle honestly so I hear u!!
  • smoreztero
    smoreztero Posts: 13 Member
    edited July 2016
    I totally understand how hard it is to cut out sweets to lose the weight and like everyone is saying, you don't have to cut it out you just have to modify and watch how much you're intaking! Brownies and cookies are my downfall lol but I've lost weight without completely cutting it out :)

    *Edited by MFP Moderator BecomingBane
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    linlinjay wrote: »
    linlinjay wrote: »
    choppie70 wrote: »
    You don't have to cut out fruits to lose weight. All you have to do is eat less calories than you burn.

    Put your stats into MFP, eat the calories it says (make sure to weigh your food!) and you will lose weight.

    So if i eat 2000 cals a day i need to burn more than 2000?

    Yes, but don't forget to count all those calories your body burns just keeping you alive. You don't need to burn them all through exercise. That would be ridiculous!

    What else do I do to burn them?
    And thank you so much for helping me!!

    Just by being alive you burn calories. Your body uses calories to keep you breathing, heart beating, etc. These calories will take up at least 50 % of the calories most people burn in a day. Then you have calories burned just doing everyday activities and finally exercise calories (which unless you are an athlete are typically only a small fraction of your total calorie burn for the day).

    As an example:
    BMR estimate - 1248 (So the calories my body uses to keep my heart pumping, me breathing, etc..)
    Yesterday's daily activity estimate (from Fitbit) - 613 cals
    Yesterday's exercise burn (from fitbit) - 350 cals/ 64 mins

    Total estimated calories burned for yesterday - 2211
    So to lose weight, I should eat under 2211 calories.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    linlinjay wrote: »
    So I have a major sweet tooth and everyone will always tell me just eat fruit instead of candy and i thought to myself that i will NEVER find something that replaces that goodness until i found dried mangoes!! And then my mum tells me that to lose weight u have to cut off fruits too, i will be MISERABLE i don't think i can do this honestly. And let's say i can't really eat those mangoes in moderation..

    What are the macros for dried mangos vs the candy you prefer? I think you'll find dried fruit isn't a terribly healthier substitute for candy. Have some berries, which are in season now if you're in the US.

    Or, as others have said, you can just make the candy fit. However, focus on hitting your protein, fat, and fiber targets first.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    FYI - be careful about not eating sweets and then eating them again. I lost 100 lbs in 3 years. I finished off my last 30 lbs by not eating candy/sugar. Then when the holidays came around I had some dessert. Then I had alot more, and 2 years later I'm back up 100 lbs. I've learned from my mistakes because I know I'm addicted to sugar and it's hard for me to stop eating it when I start.

    (Also, you can lose weight by eating fruit, just count your calories)
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,315 Member
    linlinjay wrote: »
    So I have a major sweet tooth and everyone will always tell me just eat fruit instead of candy and i thought to myself that i will NEVER find something that replaces that goodness until i found dried mangoes!! And then my mum tells me that to lose weight u have to cut off fruits too, i will be MISERABLE i don't think i can do this honestly. And let's say i can't really eat those mangoes in moderation..

    You don't need to cut out foods to lose weight. You need to eat at a calorie deficit. That means you can enjoy sweets as part of the overall picture of what you eat. You just need to eat less of them, and put the primary focus on nutritious foods as the major part of what you eat. Google the twinkie diet to see how eating sweets is not the issue in terms of weight loss, rather calorie control is. And before people jump all over this making up straw men of eating only sweets, that is not what I am saying, I am saying you don't need to get rid of them, just cut them back and focus on mainly nutritious foods.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    You don't need to cut out foods to lose weight. You need to eat at a calorie deficit. That means you can enjoy sweets as part of the overall picture of what you eat.

    Yeah, there was a point, where I would have a half cup of skittles a day, but I made room for it in my diet. Needless to say it wasn't the healthiest of diets.
  • jenniferpiotrowski0
    jenniferpiotrowski0 Posts: 215 Member
    Check out it'll help you eat healthier desserts whenever you have a sweet tooth! It works for I just eat everything within my calorie goals so I don't have to give up food I love