How in the world?!?



  • toddsamantha15
    toddsamantha15 Posts: 8 Member
    You could run a marathon and not burn 3200 calories.
    Scales are inaccurate, weight flucuates, fitbit overestimates. Forget about it.

    I get it. I look stupid for saying I burned 3200 calories, I just thought fitbit was correct. My bad
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You could run a marathon and not burn 3200 calories.
    Scales are inaccurate, weight flucuates, fitbit overestimates. Forget about it.

    I get it. I look stupid for saying I burned 3200 calories, I just thought fitbit was correct. My bad

    I dont' think you look stupid. I don't thin that poster meant to make you feel stupid, they were trying to make you not care about the little details, like scale fluctations or the occasion higher calorie day.
  • toddsamantha15
    toddsamantha15 Posts: 8 Member
    You could run a marathon and not burn 3200 calories.
    Scales are inaccurate, weight flucuates, fitbit overestimates. Forget about it.

    I get it. I look stupid for saying I burned 3200 calories, I just thought fitbit was correct. My bad

    I dont' think you look stupid. I don't thin that poster meant to make you feel stupid, they were trying to make you not care about the little details, like scale fluctations or the occasion higher calorie day.

    I'm one of those people who obsess over their weight, I know it's not healthy but I can't control it
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    edited July 2016
    You could run a marathon and not burn 3200 calories.
    Scales are inaccurate, weight flucuates, fitbit overestimates. Forget about it.

    I get it. I look stupid for saying I burned 3200 calories, I just thought fitbit was correct. My bad

    I dont' think you look stupid. I don't thin that poster meant to make you feel stupid, they were trying to make you not care about the little details, like scale fluctations or the occasion higher calorie day.

    I'm one of those people who obsess over their weight, I know it's not healthy but I can't control it

    I understand. I've been there. I am not as much of a slave to the scale as I once was but I do have my freakouts.

    Breathe. You cannot gain 5lbs of fat overnight. It is impossible. Repeat that to yourself.

    Have you considered hiding the scale for awhile?
    Or maybe trying an app like Happy Scale that gives you an average weight so those jumps don't affect your weight as much?
  • Konigboy
    Konigboy Posts: 86 Member
    On my fitbit app, it shows calories burned today, 3270. I always assumed this was a total that included calories burned for staying alive. When I sync it to my fitness pal exercise, it
    usually shows less. Today it shows about 1100, but I logged 7 miles and also did time on the bike.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited July 2016
    You could run a marathon and not burn 3200 calories.
    Scales are inaccurate, weight flucuates, fitbit overestimates. Forget about it.

    I get it. I look stupid for saying I burned 3200 calories, I just thought fitbit was correct. My bad

    My fitbit overestimates for me too, I just "try" and leave a few hundred calories in my diary everyday.

    And you don't look stupid. Of course we expect an expensive activity tracker to be accurate. But i have come to realise that there is no such thing as 100% accurate, It's all just estimates.
    Even the most experienced food logger wont be perfect.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    How did you calculate a calorie burn of 3200 calories?

    I track everything with fitbit and myfittnesspal

    To put this in perspective running at 9km/h for an hour would burn under 550 calories for me

    If your BMR is say 1400 (guess) you would have to be highly active to give you a base state of 2000 plus intense long cardio workouts for hours to get that kind of burn ....don't believe the numbers unless you have proof over 8 weeks that you are on average hitting your weight targets

    That said 5lbs overnight is water weight give it a few days it will drop

    I'm assuming she is talking about her total burn for the day as 3200 which is possible. If it's 3200+basic then no.
  • ziggy2006
    ziggy2006 Posts: 255 Member
    edited July 2016
    Is it even possible to gain 5 lbs over 24 hours?!
    Gain 5 lbs of scale weight? No problem. Weigh yourself, drink a gallon of water, and weigh yourself again.
    I did really good on my diet the week before the 4th, I even lost 3 lbs. On the 4th of July I ate about 2300 calories, my target is 1800.
    Losing 3 pounds in a week is a bit faster rate of loss than MFP recommends, so if this is a typical rate of weight loss for you, you might consider increasing your daily intake a bit.
    But I burned 3200 calories that night during workout to burn off the calories, stepped on the scale the dsy after the 4th and weighed even less!
    I wonder if you might not have rehydrated properly after your intense workout. Since you are only talking about a 900 calorie deficit, it shouldn't have made a big impact on your scale weight. I am assuming your total burn for the day was 3200 rather than burning 3200 calories during your workout in addition to your normal calorie expenditure.
    I get on the scale this morning and am 5 lbs heavier!!! I'm so frustrated.
    There are so many possible reasons for a scale weight fluctuation like this to occur. I would advise you not to worry about it. Why are you allowing a scale fluctuation to frustrate you to this extent? You need to explore why you are having this reaction. It sounds like you might be experiencing some distorted thinking when it comes to your scale weight and your expectations for your weight loss. It is important to work through that.
    It's like every time I lose the 5 lbs, it comes back over night. I'm extremley bloated and wondering if it's just the sodium? Is it really possible to gain 5 lbs of FAT in less than 24 hours?!

    Well, our bodies aren't calculators and neither gain nor lose weight precisely according to the numbers, but the estimates we use are the best we have to go by. So, given the estimate of a caloric surplus of 3,500 calories needed to put on a pound of fat, you would have to eat a surplus of 17,500 calories to put on 5 pounds of fat. Note I am talking about a surplus, so these 17,500 calories would have to be in addition to the calories required to maintain your weight.

    Is it possible to do this? I suppose it is possible to consume the needed calories, although I would think one would have to be very determined to do so and focus on eating extremely calorie dense foods in order to do so without vomiting due to the overconsumption. Would the body be able to process all of those surplus calories into 5 pounds of fat in less than 24 hours? I am not sure if that is possible. There are limits to how much fat the body can process in a day, so I am not sure if it can convert 17,500 calories into 5 pounds of fat in less than a day.

    In any case, if you are bloated, then you know you are carrying around water weight. Since your gym session represents a significant increase in your exercise duration/intensity, then that has probably also resulted in some additional water weight as your muscles recover.

  • ziggy2006
    ziggy2006 Posts: 255 Member
    edited July 2016
    There are so many possible reasons for a scale weight fluctuation like this to occur. I would advise you not to worry about it. Why are you allowing a scale fluctuation to frustrate you to this extent? You need to explore why you are having this reaction. It sounds like you might be experiencing some distorted thinking when it comes to your scale weight and your expectations for your weight loss. It is important to work through that.
    It's like every time I lose the 5 lbs, it comes back over night. I'm extremley bloated and wondering if it's just the sodium? Is it really possible to gain 5 lbs of FAT in less than 24 hours?!

    Well, our bodies aren't calculators and neither gain nor lose weight precisely according to the numbers, but the estimates we use are the best we have to go by. So, given the estimate of a caloric surplus of 3,500 calories needed to put on a pound of fat, you would have to eat a surplus of 17,500 calories to put on 5 pounds of fat. Note I am talking about a surplus, so these 17,500 calories would have to be in addition to the calories required to maintain your weight.

    Is it possible to do this? I suppose it is possible to consume the needed calories, although I would think one would have to be very determined to do so and focus on eating extremely calorie dense foods in order to do so without vomiting due to the overconsumption. Would the body be able to process all of those surplus calories into 5 pounds of fat in less than 24 hours? I am not sure if that is possible. There are limits to how much fat the body can process in a day, so I am not sure if it can convert 17,500 calories into 5 pounds of fat in less than a day.

    In any case, if you are bloated, then you know you are carrying around water weight. Since your gym session represents a significant increase in your exercise duration/intensity, then that has probably also resulted in some additional water weight as your muscles recover.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You could run a marathon and not burn 3200 calories.
    Scales are inaccurate, weight flucuates, fitbit overestimates. Forget about it.

    I get it. I look stupid for saying I burned 3200 calories, I just thought fitbit was correct. My bad

    I dont' think you look stupid. I don't thin that poster meant to make you feel stupid, they were trying to make you not care about the little details, like scale fluctations or the occasion higher calorie day.

    I'm one of those people who obsess over their weight, I know it's not healthy but I can't control it

    actually you could learn to control it if you wanted to. which is something you should really consider so that you have a more healthy mental attitude to your health, your body and weight loss.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Your over-reaction to eating at maintenance is worrying. As is your statement that you're obsessed with the scale. You could be heading too far in the other direction from what got you to be overweight/obese. I think it's time to seek help and nip this in the bud.
  • looney9708
    looney9708 Posts: 174 Member
    I am in the same boat except my scale is up 7! Eek! I wish I wasn't so depressed over it and a number on the scale but I am.

    Hang in there. It doesn't mean that tomorrow you will wake up with all the hard work erased. It just happens. Drink more water and dial in nutrition. Nothing too extreme. Just get back at it and it will fall off.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Most likely you are retaining water... probably ate something with lots of sodium. Drink lots of water and in a few days you'll be back to "normal" :)
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I notice the scale edges up a little when I don't drink enough water.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    johunt615 wrote: »
    I notice the scale edges up a little when I don't drink enough water.

    Same here!
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    scoii wrote: »
    3200cal, marathon? Half iron man?

    That's about 4 hours of working out pretty damn hard. So unless you did something similar here's your problem

    I actually did work out for 3 1/2 hours.

    What did you do for 3 1/2 hours?

    But no, it isn' tpossible to gain 5lbs of fat in 1 day.

    Eliptical, tredmil, stationary bike.

    Maybe the numbers are wrong, but that's what fitbit calculated

    3200 for your overall day or for just the workouts?
    It would make more sense that the 3200 was your TDEE that day due to the exercise.

    And, the increased exercise most likely caused you to retain fluid.