Looking for friends to motivate me

Em19922016 Posts: 2 Member
Have been on this app for a few weeks, looking for friends to keep me motivated!! I'm doing well so far but it always helps with support behind me


  • moodygnome
    moodygnome Posts: 15 Member
    Happy to join in the motivational team talks!
  • jbrady574
    jbrady574 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi em hope you well
  • gwenelliott_
    gwenelliott_ Posts: 16 Member
    I'll be sure to add you. In the same boat as you and helps to see other people working hard too :)
  • rhiannongrindley
    rhiannongrindley Posts: 52 Member
    I'm happy to help! Also need motivation sometimes. Welcome to add me if you want... I haven't worked out how to add people yet...hahaPleasure. :):p
  • rhiannongrindley
    rhiannongrindley Posts: 52 Member
    I'm happy to help! Also need motivation sometimes. Welcome to add me if you want... I haven't worked out how to add people yet...hahaPleasure. :):p

    Ummm Not sure why the word pleasure was added at the end there...
  • wacky2016
    wacky2016 Posts: 23 Member
    Add me if you lime
  • aloughery645
    aloughery645 Posts: 9 Member
    U can add me I just started !
  • snehad123
    snehad123 Posts: 119 Member
    Welcome to add me!
  • JeanLaw131
    JeanLaw131 Posts: 78 Member
    Happy to add you! The more motivation and support the better!