Eating on Impulse

I can be a healthy person, but sometimes when I'm around others eating something unhealthy I tend to eat it as well knowing that I shouldn't and later on I feel so guilty and I begin to hate myself.
Tips on how to have self control when it comes to making the right choices?


  • mysticatgal1
    mysticatgal1 Posts: 106 Member
    I try to leave a buffer for extras with friends. I've also been able to have smaller portions of treats without feeling too bad generally. Lapses happen and unexpected treats occur but it's the long term case that is important.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Drop the vague labels healthy and unhealthy. Look at how food fits into your whole day. Are your nutritional needs being met? If they are then eating some low nutrition foods occasionally isn't harming you.

    Drop the guilt and self hatred over food. That is just drama. If you actually think a food is so bad for you or you always feel physically ill after eating it then don't eat it. If you were very allergic to something you'd probably have no problem saying no to a food even if your friend was having orgasms over eating it. You are an adult with free will- you don't have to eat it just because it is there. Take responsibility for your choices. Log the food before you eat it. Bring snacks that you feel good about eating. Order something else. Pop in a piece of mint gum. Have a plan for these kind of situations.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Stop dividing food into healthy and unhealthy. That thinking is what's unhealthy. There are no "right" or "wrong" foods, all foods can be eaten, it's about eating an appropriate amount. Stop relying on self control towards food. Eating with others is supposed to be a pleasurable activity. Save the guilt for when you do something bad, like driving over your neighbour's cat. On purpose.
  • Skyle33
    Skyle33 Posts: 43 Member
    Few options. Never go somewhere hungry if you know there will be food. Look in the mirror before you feast or picture it. Just make a good conscious decision that you know you will thank yourself for later. Remind yourself that in order to keep your banging body, you can't eat what other/average people eat. Remember the sacrifices you make and don't jeopardize them. Treat your body and soul with the respect it deserves!