Looking for 35 + busy moms

I'm 42, married, three children grade school, middle school and a high schooler this year. Work full time. Life sometimes feels overwhelming to me as I try to find time to get laundry done or groceries let alone find time to track food or exercise - but I NEED to. I have a total of around 80 pounds to lose but focusing on the first 30 right now as my first goal. I keep planning to start and keep putting it off therefore gaining more weight with bad habits!

Are there any groups I could join/or other moms interested in helping me stay on track?


  • yesseriously
    yesseriously Posts: 8 Member
    I would love to be added as a friend - I'm currently around 230, final goal is to be 150. Just starting with tracking and plan to add in exercise again too. I used to be in very good shape and even last spring did a Farrell boot camp (which I loved) & had started losing weight/inches - though I never tracked my eating. I stopped when I had scheduling conflicts with my children's activities and have now gained 20 pounds more :(

    Would love to find others to help me on this track!