Sugar and Fat.

I seem to never be under or at the goal for my sugar and fat. Sugar is usually the worst for me. Sometimes Im over by 60 with Sugar! Not so much for the fat most of the time it's only like 5 over the amount its supposed to be. Im rarely over with my calories though. Any suggestions on how to bring down my sugar and fat???


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I don't even track sugar - if you have no medical reason to keep it low, don't worry about it, especially if it's coming from mostly fruits, veggies, natural sources. Same with fats - I'm over almost daily, but (mostly) it comes from healthy sources, like nuts, avocado, etc.

    Being over on either of them hasn't kept me from my goals. :smiles:
  • Thanks for the advice! I really don't have any medical need to keep it low. I just wasn't sure if it would effect my journey, I will try to lower it still (mostly because I don't think mines from healthy foods lol).
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    As long as you hit your protein and fat minimum, and don't go over your calorie goal, then eat all the fat you want, don't worry about sugar either, only track total carbs.
  • Thanks! I definitely will take your advice maybe not eat all the fat I want lol But will definitely try not to worry so much!
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    I try to keep sugar in check. First by only getting it from mainly fruit or other natural sources. I also keep fruit as a snack or adding a little flavor to plain yogurt. Usually try to stick with an assortment of berries and other low glycemic/high fiber fruits. I wouldn't be too concerned to start off the biggest battle is cutting out sweets to only occasional treats. If you're not having the results you want then you could try adjusting your fruit portions.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Sugar...I don't track.

    Fat, well I think this chart will give you an idea:

    edit: I'm usually over on protein as well. I'm almost always under on carbs.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I was 20g over on fat and 6 over on protein, and whatever number under on carbs. As far as I'm aware as long as I'm meeting my numbers (71 and 114) it doesn't much matter if I then go over.
  • Considering how much weight you have lost I definitely trust your opinion! Awesome Job by the way!