To weigh or not to weigh ......everyday!



  • SonaliDeuskar
    SonaliDeuskar Posts: 14 Member
    So wonderful to hear from real people rather than hundreds to studies all of which have a different theory. I have decided to use an app called Happy Scale to track my weight on a daily basis and then post it to MFP on a weekly basis. Hopefully that will keep me motivated enough to stay on track with my weight loss journey.
  • Yourebeautiful2day
    Yourebeautiful2day Posts: 56 Member
    I weigh myself daily because it helps me stay on track. As long as I don't go up past my 3 lb allowance I know I'm doing ok. If I hit the 3 lb allowance I adjust my intake and get in some more exercise to keep myself from getting out of control. I chose 3 lbs because that's what I retain in water weight during "feminine week."
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    I weigh daily. First thing in the morning after using the restroom and before eating or drinking anything. I use a trend app to even out the fluctuations. I like weighting daily. I never dread weigh ins. It is just part of my routine like brushing your teeth. As long as my trend is going down then I'm happy. I just log my weight into mfp when it is a new low weight. I used Happy Scale when I started and then I switched from an iphone to a samsung so I got Libra. I like happy scale better.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    edited July 2016
    I weigh daily and enter it on MFP as a separate measurement called "Daily Weight." Every Monday I do an average of the last 7 days, and enter the average as my official weight for the week. I prefer this because it doesn't let one bad day throw off my weight for the whole week. I can look at one chart and see my daily fluctuations, and another chart to see my overall trend.
  • AussiePeach
    AussiePeach Posts: 49 Member
    When I stop weighing regularly, I tend to gain weight because I become slack in my eating. So I'm weighing everyday during this process
  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    I weigh daily and but only enter each new low. Fluctuations don't bother me at all. When I stop weighing is when I know I'm heading for trouble.
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    This truly is a question of personal preference. From a scientific standpoint in a data collection standpoint the more data points the more accurate and precise the data will be obviously this would mean when yourself every day at the same time. Typically for most people that means first thing in the morning after using the restroom. However if you over eat the night before or something like that it may have an adverse effect on your mental condition during the fat loss journey. For me personally if this happens I typically will not stand on the scale for 24 to 48 hours to allow my body to digest the food and to get back on the horse. This is ultimately your decision though.

    From there I take the seven daily weighins and average them to a weekly number and compare that number week to week.

    I think weighing yourself once a week is to an accurate of a data point to see where the results are headed.

    Why do you have pointed out this can be a big controversy among the gorillas which is what makes fitness so interesting. This is because at the same time fitness is a science that can be backed up with empirical data yet is also an artform as because each person is so different and and there are many ways to achieve the same results through different routes. Fitness really boils down to seeing what works best for you and is it achieving the results you want. You can always try both approaches and see which one works best for you.
  • beskytter
    beskytter Posts: 87 Member
    Only weekly and don't get discouraged if gain. Remember you shock your metabolism to ignite by eating small meals throughout the day and meeting your macro and caloric goals Weekly. Yes I said weekly. If you go over one day fix it the next and remember if you incorporate weight training, which you should, muscle burns calories and weighs more than fat. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    edited July 2016
    Like some others have said, I weigh daily. I do this because I get a better idea of how my eating, especially sodium and alcohol, affect my weight, as well as how hormonal changes impact it on a day-to-day basis. Knowing how much water I tend to retain from these things, as well as from muscle recovery after a strenuous workout, helps keep me from getting discouraged if I see the scale go up when I've been maintaining a deficit - I can step back and remind myself "hey, the scale went up 5lb because you had a heavy lifting day and also ate a bunch of Chinese food," or something similar.

    But it really is personal preference. If you find that you get caught up on the scale weight and it is negatively impacting your mood and emotional state, you might want to regulate how often you weight yourself, because if you only weigh once a week you're more likely to see an overall drop than you would if you weight every day, because of the daily weight fluctuations I mentioned earlier. But you also have to keep in mind that weight loss is not linear - you can be doing every single thing exactly right for days or weeks, and the scale may still not move. It will, eventually, but if you get too stuck on that number, seeing the scale hold steady might make you want to give up, even when you're making good progress.

    I'd encourage you to consider taking measurements with a measuring tape every two weeks or so, and also taking progressive pictures once a month or so - it's good to have a variety of metrics to gauge your progress by, so that you are less likely to feel defined by one number.

    ETA: even though I weigh in every day, I only update my weight in MFP once a week or so, again because daily fluctuations are so common.
  • lindarpolk
    lindarpolk Posts: 70 Member
    Most people say once a week, but when I did that I found myself thinking, "I can eat this and enjoy it now, then work out hard later." I would think, "I have __ days until I weigh in. I can work it all off by then. Of course, that hard workout never happened and I didn't lose much weight. I also was too impatient to wait until my weigh-in day. Weighing every day keeps me more accountable, so I make better choices every day. I know there will be many days when I have a loss instead of a gain, and I'm ok with that. There will always be ups and downs in weight loss. Seeing little losses often is more encouraging and motivating to me because losing inches takes a lot longer to see progress. Not everybody feels the same way. Do what every you feel comfortable with and whatever works for you.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    When I first started in January 2016 for the first two months I only weigh myself once every two weeks. To me this is the best approach. you have to get into a mindset that this is a long-term journey and not a short-term Sprint.

    Remember when you put the weight on you didn't weigh yourself everyday and you didn't gain all the weight at once so the same thing is going to happen now that you've decided to lose it.

    On the other hand now that I have reached my goal weight and I have access to scales at work I weigh myself daily. The only reason I'm doing this is part of the education process as I'm going into a maintenance. What I mean by an education process is I'm more curious to see how my body weight fluctuates on a day-to-day basis. I'm not worried about gaining cuz I know I've developed the proper habits.

  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    I weigh almost every day to get comfortable with the fluctuations. Of course I'll weigh more the morning after a big evening meal -- and that is OK because I'm living life, balancing my calories by eating lighter today, my clothes fit nicely, etc. For me (not everybody of course) this keeps me less worried about the exact number on the scale as long as my trend is down.
  • ellie_RN
    ellie_RN Posts: 19 Member
    I try to not weigh myself daily because a) we can gain an absurdly amount of water weight in a given day and b) it becomes an obession and negative behavior for me. So! If I remember then I do so weekly.
  • Glitterinmyveins33
    Glitterinmyveins33 Posts: 16 Member
    I weigh myself once a week. If I did it every day I would make myself crazy.
  • honorthecolors
    honorthecolors Posts: 33 Member
    Numbers are going go up and down minus and plus a few pounds but that's water weight. Don't stress or celebrate over a few pounds. What you want to do is weight yourself once a week around the same time and try to wear similar clothes. I also weigh myself in the nude.
  • Atchmon
    Atchmon Posts: 16 Member
    I like to weigh in once a week, usually on a the same day (from the day I started) around the same time if I can. A week was enough time to see some results even if it fluctuated from water weight, there (should) be enough solid fat loss to merit a decent loss.
  • ausrunninggal
    ausrunninggal Posts: 28 Member
    I've been thinking about this lately as well.
    I'm thinking of tracking my weight everyday for a month to see what happens... I've also fallen into the 'I can eat this and burn it off before my weigh in' trap!