Hungry again

bacallmarie Posts: 25
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So I took a break from my diet after I lost 15 lbs and found my wedding dress. I didn't start eating crazy I just didn't keep the 1200-1300 calorie rule I'd been using. Now after a couple of weeks...maybe three I am trying to be back on it and I am hungry all the time. I don't know what to do. Help!!! My wedding is October 2nd, 2010 and I would like to lose about 10lbs before then. Idk what to do about this hungry thing. Any suggestions?


  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    Always keep healthy snacks within reach i.e. baby carrots, cucumbers, nuts, etc. Eat every 2-4hrs. Don't wait for hunger to'll find that you'll eat less. Also...water, water, water.
  • Eat more fiber to keep you full longer.
  • rowie
    rowie Posts: 75
    Every time you're hungry drink a glass of water, and wait a little while. Also, if you feel hungry, go DO something that will distract you; take a walk, read a book, fold the laundry, anything that will hold your attention for a while so you'll forget about the food. Finally, when i think i want some food, i try hard to listen to my body: am i actually HUNGRY, or do i just want some food in my mouth? If my stomach is grumbling, then i'll eat an apple, or some almonds. If i realize it'd just habit wanting something to munch then i'll drink some water and find something to distract usually goes away. Good luck! I know it's a lot easier to say these things than to actually do them, but we're all with you! We can do it! And congrats on your upcoming wedding!
  • I agree with mpos, I got married last year and I am a great believer in the power of the low calorie Jelly (is that called Jell-o in the US??) i know in the UK you can get it in wee sachets of powder and make it up. It really filled me up, as did honedew melon and with zero fat I could enjoy them with a guilt-free concience! Congratulations and Good Luck
  • Thank you for the ideas! I definitely need to drink more water... I think Im doing pretty good w fiber, but IDK how much I need to each I will check! Thanks
  • fraochin
    fraochin Posts: 48
    I would agree with the water!!!!!! Also make sure you're getting enough protein! I find a tin of tuna when I'm really hungry does the job when I'm on the go! And if you mix it with some sweet chilli sauce as opposed to mayo it's much lower in points! Also a little bag of nuts in your bag!

    Good luck with the 10lbs!!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Everyone has given absolutely great tips. On other, chew on sugar free gum. I do that on ocassion and drink a bunch of water and I am good till my next meal. Also, remember that you eat approximately every 3 hours, so just remind yourself that you will be eating again soon, just not now. :drinker:

    Good luck, I know you can do it.

    I am getting married at the end of August and have had to take my dress in an entire size, it is such an awesome feeling to have that done. You will get there. :bigsmile:
  • I felt this same way when I first started on here. I agree what some others have said that you should be eating every 2 to 4 hrs. If you do this you wont binge and over eat. I find that I get hungrier when I eat fruits and veggies so I am carefull now with when and how much I eat of those. Some examples of snacks I like to eat are celery with peanut butter, an apple and string cheese, yogurt, the 90 cal cereal bars and popcorn (the light "smart choice" kind). I also find that if I eat a packet of instant oatmeal for a snack on my first break at work I am less hungry and less likely to eat a large lunch. Hope any of this helped and good luck and congratulations to you :happy:
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