Upset at their attitude



  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    maybe mom was just having a bad day...maybe you just caught her at a bad moment. however, the name calling is out of line. as a mom, i expect my daughter (24) to respect me in my house but I also try to show her respect. we do alot for each other. she took my car for an oil change today and gave me her car so I could still get to the gym. she knows how important that is to me. she just signed up for the gym but won't be able to get there till 8 pm on most nights. so i offered to meet her there to give her encouragement. i figured two workouts a few times a week can only help me! and it will definitely encourage her to go if she knows I'm going out of my way for her. maybe there could be a way for you and your mom to do something together to bring you closer?
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Yup. Move out. May not be that simple but that is the solution. Good Luck.


    Yup. Get a job (if you don't already have one), find a roomie or two to help lessen the cost, and get the hell out of that environment!
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Good for you!! Keep it up and I am sorry that your parents are trying to bring you down. Hang in there and stick to your guns. It almost sounds like your parents are jealous of your healthy life and resent what you are doing but keep on pushing and hopefully they will come around. I have a 19 year old son and wish he had your attitude!
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    UPDATE: Went out for that run this morning with my doggie! She was loving it anyway but I think I may have tired her out a bit! She's sleeping under my bed :S I enjoyed it! I think I'll schedule in more hardcore doggie runs for every time my car isn't available!
    Parents didn't say anything about last night, it's just as if it didn't happen. I'm happy enough with that to be fair. I think they must have been in a bad mood or something yesterday. It's just made me realise how much of a personal journey this is and all credit to the people who have stuck at it. I'm only about 2 weeks in but I'm making this happen for me and nobody else.

    I think I'll wait until things have blown over and then discuss how the name calling is hurtful and see if I can get anywhere. To be fair it was out of character. It's never happened before now. I do respect my parents and they know that. I just think they forget that I'm not a child and I can do these things for myself.
    Thanks for your replies! I just needed to get it out of my system and find that solution! Good luck with all your diet and fitness goals!
  • bbblue92
    bbblue92 Posts: 108 Member
    Good luck!!!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Ok, as a mom I just have to say that the obnoxious teenager is your mother not you. I would never talk to my kids like that. EVER! I don't care if my daughter was the worst teen ever! You don't talk that way about people you love and that love you. I think they must be seeing the changes your making and feel bad about themselves. Try not to let them hold you back. Make friends with your mom again, because I know she must have felt really bad the min after she said that and then go for your run. If she tells you that you shouldn't go because of safety tell her to go with you. No reason she can't burn a few calories herself, right?