What is Your Biggest Obstacle for Losing Weight? Here's Mine.



  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Getting into situations where I feel overwhelmed has been my biggest challenge. I tend to get into IDGAF mode and eat low nutrient high sugar foods. I've had more success just working to stay away from that level of stress than I've had in changing my response to it.
  • RredSonja
    RredSonja Posts: 307 Member
    Biggest obstacle for me is patience. My rating is rock solid now and I'm loving exercise, but I'm afraid if I hit a platau I'll give up.
  • mickey2942
    mickey2942 Posts: 71 Member
    edited July 2016
    I prefer donuts and chocolate cake instead of lettuce and celery.

    I would rather watch a movie, or read a book than flail around in an exercise class. I hate getting all sweaty.

    And there it is...but, I am working on it, and not going to quit.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I found the calorie deficit for weight loss easy.
    The exercise for health and fitness I will never grow to love.

    Cheers, h.

    I'm exactly the opposite! LOL
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I suppose a lack of motivation was my biggest obstacle. I lost about 30 lbs but it took me over a year because while I part of me wanted to lose the weight - statistically I'd have a better chance at long term health after all - another part of me didn't really care that much. I was already healthy by all medical standards of health. All health markers that were within my control were good. Most of the time I thought I looked good (I'm very fickle about this no matter what my weight). My husband thought I looked good. I was thinner than most of my friends. I was fit and strong.

    It's that second voice that also makes maintaining so difficult.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    Food, I just love the stuff
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited July 2016
    For me, I'm at an awkward time in my life I guess. I am currently trying to get pregnant. I recently went on vacation and broke my good eating habits. So I continue to eat like I am on vacation and have gained weight. Plus over the last few months, I found my motivation lacking... so all in all, I'm 10 lbs heavier than I was and where I wanted to be. But because I'm trying to get pregnant, I'm also afraid to restrict calories to get back to where I was. And then there's the option of just maintaining where I am. WELL that feels like just as much work as losing weight. I've been essentially maintaining for the last 2.5 years and it hasn't gotten easier and I think it's bumming me out - the realization that it's NOT going to get easier like I always hoped. Turns out I'm terrible at making good habits.

    So my brain just isn't thinking a stable thought pattern. My thoughts are all over the place and I'm super indecisive.

    TL:DR I am my own problem.
  • TwitchyMC
    TwitchyMC Posts: 2 Member
    I used to have bulimia. Still on antidepressants, but finally stable enough to try to lose a little weight. Biggest obstacle is making progress without becoming obsessive. If I put too much pressure on myself I will slip back into the vicious cycle of binging and purging, but not enough pressure and i won't lose the weight I need to lose to be healthy! It's a really fine balance. Trying to take baby steps and stay relaxed. So far, so good :)
  • jjdig
    jjdig Posts: 45 Member
    My biggest obstacle is somehow, unbelievably, the fear of being thin. I get to the last 10 pounds, and then, somehow, it's "close enough". And then that's it, that's the excuse. I'm 4 weeks into those 10 pounds and have 4 to go, and I can FEEL myself wavering on the determination/motivation. Discipline.
    I like what Moxie42 said about "taking out the debate". Setting guidelines. GOOD! That's what I needed to hear.