Funny things people say

Like many of you, I am finding myself fielding lots of conversations about my weight. Most have been very supportive and kind, for which I am grateful. I had a conversation with someone yesterday that just really struck me as funny:

Co-worker: "You are the incredible shrinking woman! Whatever you are doing, I want to do it! What is your secret?"

Me: "I am counting calories and moving." (This has become my standard response)

Co-worker: "Oh yuck (looking horribly disappointed) I don't want to do that!"

What??? With all of the crazy "diets" I have done over the years, this is the easiest and simplest thing I have ever done lol.

What funny things have people said to you?


  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I don't discuss my weight loss goals with people. I don't have the patience to hear most of the crap and excuses out of people's mouths.