Recommendation for anti bark dog collar for my little brat..HELP

OlyCapitalChick Posts: 236 Member
No I did not know wtheck I was doing when got her so many years ago..shes kinda dumb and not super trained..ARG.

My dog is 8 years old (roughly 15lbs, mixed breed of maltese & poodle) and is getting more and more obnoxious with her random off the hook barking rants. I hate to say it..but I have the annoying dog in the complex.

She can go in and outside any time she wants and I don't plan on changing that.

Anyone have a recommendation for a dog collar to stop her barking? I am soooooo over it. She will never change unless something stops her barking.. I dont need a guard dog and she never barks when people come to the dam door!!!

I am sure most nights when she goes off and bolts outside to bark her head off she heard a cat fart 2 blocks away.. :/


  • OlyCapitalChick
    OlyCapitalChick Posts: 236 Member
    @Villae81 Its true she is a chubby house dog :D:D
  • OlyCapitalChick
    OlyCapitalChick Posts: 236 Member
    Sugar_Pill wrote: »
    They have ones that spray citronella instead of the ones that "shock"...


    Is it possible there may be some kind of "creature" coming near the house at night? I have a raccoon problem, and when my dog knows they're near- she goes nuts. So I try to keep her inside when I know they'll be out there- keeps her safe, and me sane.

    Interesting. I asked my bf about that and he thought it could be raccoons or possums or even deer (??) - I was not thinking wildlife, but yes I am in the great northwest. Doh! Spose it could be critters doing their nocturnal thing. I saw that spray collars at petco today. That seems more humane. Thanks for the tip!
  • Redwineandmuscles
    Redwineandmuscles Posts: 46 Member
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Cruel. Just take some time to teach them the 'quiet' command. Or learn to deal with it. Dogs bark.
  • Arathels
    Arathels Posts: 6,883 Member
    Skip the collar and use positive reward treatment in stead.
    Get a clicker and go to a dog trainer who's got a diploma in dog cognitive behavior
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    Sorry cant recommend a model. Havent used one in years. Talk to some local trainers who use them. Dont ask a clicker trainer about them.
    If you go with a shock one, do not get a bark one, get one that you control. Bark ones can malfunction and continually shock.
    On the lowest setting press it to your neck and have it shock you. Put it on your dog and wait til you need to use it. If it doesn't affect take it off adjust it then back on your neck to feel. Repeat until it's at the right level.

    I have no experience with the spray ones. My dog would just bite at any thing being sprayed. 112lbs of slapping jaws wouldn't be good if there were kids near her.

    Also tiring the dog out will help. I know when I can take my dog for a walk she just falls into her bed and ignored the world for a while. The poodle was a sport breed. Water retriever. Perhaps getting into a sport, agility or obedience.
    Even a dog daycare would tire it out.

    If it's wildlife, blocking it's view will help somewhat but it's probably the noise and the smell. There's really nothing you can do about them. All the stuff you can buy that's scares them away only for a while, even the deer blood stuff. Which would attract raccoons.

    Good luck with whatever method you choose. Not all dogs learn the best the same way.