Can resistance bands damage your doors?

Hi guys!

I'm doing a series of online guided workout videos that you complete at home, and I'm about to finish off their beginner program and move into their other programs. Many of them incorporate resistance bands that are anchored to doors. I'm 89kg/195lb, live in a rental property, and I'm terrified of causing damage that I can't afford to fix! Has anyone found that door anchored bands damaged the paint or wood of their door? Is it better to use a solid front door than a lighter internal one? I'd be very grateful for any advice! Thanks!


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    It could depend on the door. A door that can be securely locked is best so it doesn't slip open. Don't put t h e anchor on the hinge side or on the bottom.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    I use resistance bands all the time I'm a fan of the Tony Horton workout videos and I've use resistance bands for two years on my doors.
    No damage.

    My suggestion is to use a solid core wood or steel entry door. A lot of interior doors now these days are flimsy. The other trick is to have the door attachment strap by your door hinge.
  • PaulMcLean39AkC
    PaulMcLean39AkC Posts: 1 Member
    In my opinion it all depends on the door that you have. Like the harder and stronger the door, the less chances that something will happen to it. I don’t think that an ordinary wooden door will be able to withstand the load, but if you have a metal door, it will be able to remain intact anyway. I have a good solid oak wooden door at home. I don't know if the design depends, but I have a modern design door. It seems like I bought it on this site . But that's not the point. The door itself is very strong and I can safely use the resistance bands on it. So I can say for sure that the stronger the door, the more chances it will not survive.