Simplifying workouts

Currently I'm following StrongLifts 5x5, but I follow each workout with workouts including different accessory exercises. I have a day for lower body, a day for upper body, and for the third one I add a glute and ab workout (I also work out my abs a separate day of the week and my fifth workout day is cardio). However, I'm finding that especially for my lower body workouts, there's so many great exercises I want to do! But I don't want to and shouldn't spend too much time at the gym. I shoot for working out about an hour each time, and if I go much longer I'll become fatigued and slow. How do you go about picking the most effective exercises for legs and glutes for example and sticking to those while not going crazy with it?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Pick 1-2 exercises, do them for 4-8 weeks, then pick 1-2 others for the next 4-8 weeks, and so on and so forth.
  • mostwhimsicalchap
    mostwhimsicalchap Posts: 24 Member
    ^ What she said. Though the beauty of it is that after YouTube rotated through your accessory exercises, you've hopefully figured out which ones are your favorite and/or are the most effective for you. Happy training!