Bad idea.....

jester13 Posts: 408 Member
Thought I could compete twice in one year in just 2 months between them. Found out losing weight then dieting again is way to hard on your body. Lost too much muscle. Going to take a year to bulk. Any feelings on competing so close together? Hope it's the right idea.


  • joelo_83
    joelo_83 Posts: 218 Member
    IMO if you're gonna do back to back shows like that, doing a mild reverse diet during that middle 6-7 week period , then do a regular peak week to prep for the 2nd show, should be able to stay as full as you are now and be good for the second one. That being said there's a million variables that could change your situation and you should really consult your coach (if you have one) and listen to your body.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Back to back shows can be difficult, but in my experience if you were ready several weeks out from the first show then it's not that hard to basically eat up into the next show. I came in leaner and fuller that way since my body seemed to want to grow between shows.
  • jester13
    jester13 Posts: 408 Member
    I just feel horrible on a diet again. My body feels flat. Feel I'm losing to much muscle. Think I want to grow and get my legs larger.