what a rough day

fchopin42 Posts: 51
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
It has been such a long day and a tough one for me... It has been raining on and off here all day so the kids have been inside (making me a little loony) ... I didn't feel like getting out either. I was actually really hungry today even though I ate pretty well and have had a lot of water to drink.

What do you do on tough days? What helps get you through? I'd love some ideas.

Thank you!



  • smoore01
    smoore01 Posts: 1
    Depending on the age of your kids I would say spring clean a room!! Take everything out of the room (have the little crumb snatchers help you) and put it all back together and organize. It helps me to get lost in a project!!!
  • GuamMom
    GuamMom Posts: 55 Member
    Play board games with the kids, or have a treasure hunt, play chase.....lots of fun, and burns a few calories to. Keep up the hard work, I had the same hunger sensations when I first started, at night mostly. Pop some popcorn, great fiber low cals! Remember you can do it, and know inside YOU are Worth it!!!! Good Luck!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Anything that relaxes you if you're feeling anxious or antsy. Do your nails or take a hot bath (even if it's a quick one)... work out! That always relaxes me. I got a speeding ticket a couple weeks ago and was seriously FUMING. As soon as I got on the elliptical (yeah, I was on the way to the gym, I was so excited to get there, I sped!) I didn't think about it ONE time while I was on. I focused on my calories and heart rate and then I remembered once I got in the sauna but I let it float off my back because this was ME time.
  • fchopin42
    fchopin42 Posts: 51
    thanks everyone!
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