Making Weight Loss Number 1 Priority

Hi there!

I am not new on MyFitnessPal, but I want to start all over again.

Truth be told: Yes, I am working out since January on a regular basis. Yes, I am fitter than before. However, I have not lost weight nor can you see a difference. I am struggling with my weight, I am struggling with the body I see when I look into the mirror. The reason why I don't see any progress is because I have not made weight loss a priority, I have not agreed on changing my lifestyle for good.

Today I made a decision: I make my Lifestyle change my number one priority. I came up with a program, consisting of several phases. I will start with the Bikini Body Guide of Kayla Itsines tomorrow and in the next 4 weeks I won't consume any industrial sugar, fast food, or alcohol. I never really told anyone that I want to lose weight, but from now on I will tell people, putting myself in the position of being vulnerable.

I truly believe making weight loss and a healthy lifestyle priority number one will lead to success. I am so excited to start this journey. Looking forward to engage with you guys and hear your stories.
