Pregnancy weight (and more) has got to go!!

Currently 38 weeks pregnant (baby boy due 22nd July!) and have gained around 40lbs throughout my pregnancy. This brings my weight up to a total of 240lbs and I'd like to get down to 140lbs! I expect 10lbs+ will pretty much instantly be lost when I give birth, and I plan to breast feed which should burn a substantial amount of calories. That, coupled with a max calorie intake of 1800cals, I hope to steadily lose 100lbs...*here's hoping*

Anyone else trying to lose baby weight? If so, please add me! And anyone who has a large amount of weight to lose (40lbs+) let me add you as a friend! I need motivation!!

**my weight loss journey will begin once I have my baby, obviously lol


  • ericatoday
    ericatoday Posts: 454 Member
    After my first son i weighed 40lbs heavier and never got the weight off my second son is almost 2 my first will be 8. My first pregnancy i was 135 my second i started it at 168 after i was 176. I breastfed my second not my first but still i lost no weight breastfeeding and when i tried my milk went down but i tried cutting too many calories. 1800 is a good amount i wish i wouldve done that. So i waited until he was 1 to start losing weight. Im now 138lbs and im trying for 130 which was my smallest since 17 years old im 25 now almost 26. Add me if youd like i keep my diary open and post meals if you look through my feed. Good luck mama and congrats. Us mamas gotta stick together.