New MFP user from Mid-Missouri

Matrodrgz Posts: 2 Member
edited July 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, my name is Matt and I am new to this ap. My partner and I live happily together in central Missouri. He and I both work in government operations. He has recently lost a lot of weight due to the physical demands of his job. Not only do I want to lose weight so that I am no longer the "heavier" one, but I have some health related concerns requiring me to take action.

Weight has always been a roller coaster for me. Unfortunately, right now I am at my heaviest of about 220 pounds. My goal is lofty at trying to lose 50 pounds so that I can be a more healthy weight of 175.

I'm excited about the functionality of this ap and look forward to interacting with others!


  • bele2009
    bele2009 Posts: 137 Member
    Welcome to the site. I have similar goals and situation. SW 266, TW 190. My short-term target is to loose 45# by my 45 birthday in ~10 weeks ;-)

    Make sure to check out the Success Stories section of the forum for great motivation readings and keep your diary up to date. I am amazed how fast those calories pile up.