16:8 fast



  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    I did it before i got pregnant last year, going back to it post breastfeeding,. Doing a lose 14/10 fast as that's what my body naturally does, tried going longer one day and significant dip in milk supply. I have had great results with the 16/8, Like CoderGal mentions still have to get in your calories in your eating window, this was hard for me. I did fasted workouts with supplements but broke my fast right after the workout. I have also seen some people drink black coffee or green tea (no cream or sweetner) to help them from wake up time to start of eating time.
  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    I've been doing IF for over a year. I'm usually doing a 16:8 (16 hours fasted, 8 hours eating window) although sometimes it will be a 6 hour eating window. i haven't had any adverse effects from it and i'm a woman. i'm also going through menopause (so my hormones are pretty jacked anyways LOL)

    i follow the IF method everyday, including cheat days. my eating window is usually 1-9pm or 2-10pm. i eat what i want on my cheat day but only within the window. i also don't log what i eat on sundays. i weight train during lunch so i'm training fasted (which i prefer. i feel more energetic and "light" if that makes any sense). i'm currently doing stronglifts 5x5 and all my lifts are going up. i'm currently doing deadlifts at 165, benching 120 and squatting 130 for reps. i also run 3-4x a week.

    like another poster said, i don't see it as making me lose weight any faster, i just like the eating style. i'd rather "eat big" than graze over 6 meals a day. when i did that, i was always hungry. counting down the 2 hours until my next snack, then feeling ripped off after the apple and cheese stick snack was consumed. it was not a good fit for me. after training heavy, there's nothing like sitting down to a ribeye, baked potato with real sour cream and butter (portioned out of course) and a big salad with real salad dressing. (later on for my 2nd meal i'll usually have 2 slices of ezekiel bread, 2T peanut butter and protein ice cream (2 scoops protein, 1/8c. almond milk and 4 frozen strawberries, blend and freeze)

    i'm so grateful for IF. it doesn't feel like a diet yet i'm losing inches (i don't weigh myself) i went from a size 16 in January. Currently i'm wearing a size 10. pics are on my profile before and after

    good luck with whatever works for you!

  • mango5tango
    I've been doing IF for over a year. I'm usually doing a 16:8 (16 hours fasted, 8 hours eating window) although sometimes it will be a 6 hour eating window. i haven't had any adverse effects from it and i'm a woman. i'm also going through menopause (so my hormones are pretty jacked anyways LOL)

    That's very inspiring! I asked my mom to join me when I started IF and she said she couldn't do something like that because of her age. I too started thinking that maybe fasting might not be such a good idea for someone who's older but maybe she'll change her mind after reading this :)
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    That's interesting - I never thought of skipping breakfast as fasting. For those that do this successfully - do you ever get light-headed or fatigued from the low blood sugar? The 14/10 is pretty similar to what I do already (eating from 10 am - 8 pm) - but my weight is not budging :-(
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    That's interesting - I never thought of skipping breakfast as fasting. For those that do this successfully - do you ever get light-headed or fatigued from the low blood sugar? The 14/10 is pretty similar to what I do already (eating from 10 am - 8 pm) - but my weight is not budging :-(
    When I was constantly eating little meals if I was in a rush to get to work and needed to skip breakfast by 8 oclock I'd be grasping something somewhere trying not to pass out (usually ate at 6). After switching to IF that problem quickly went away. Now I can go until about 2pm before I'm hungry and I put back a "impressive" amount of food my bf tells waiters lol.

    About the weight not budging...changing the timing or frequency of your eating will not help unless it changes your calorie deficit. I do IF for convenience and I enjoy it, not because I think it's a magic trick of some sort for weight loss.
  • Amerielle
    Amerielle Posts: 153 Member
    That's interesting - I never thought of skipping breakfast as fasting. For those that do this successfully - do you ever get light-headed or fatigued from the low blood sugar? The 14/10 is pretty similar to what I do already (eating from 10 am - 8 pm) - but my weight is not budging :-(

    I'm not hypoglycemic so I have never had any problems. Really IF isn't a magic weight loss tool. I just take my daily calorie intake and shove it into 8 hours so I can eat lots at a time and feel nice and full. If you have problems with low blood sugar it probably isn't the best eating schedule for you.

    Hope your weight starts budging soon!
    Here is a link for a intermittent fast calculator the best one ive came across yet - www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/

    Here is the most knoledgeable guy I know on Intermittent Fasting - www.leangains.com

    I too do this program hope this helps ive lost almost 15lbs doing this fasting one day strength training next day rest walk the dod on my rest days following day after rest day arobics then again rest day I get 4 workouts a week 3 days rest days and make sure to get a minimum 8 hrs sleep and dont make the mistake of most and workout everyday your body needs rest to gain muscle and lost fat