


  • Karen_DisneyFan
    Karen_DisneyFan Posts: 130 Member
    @inezbruce, since you're in the UK - have you heard of 5:2 (intermittent fasting)? It's fairly well known in the UK and has just come to the US in the last few years. Basically you eat normally & mindfully 5 days of the week and on 2 days you fast. You can eat up to 500 calories (for women) or 600 calories (for men).
    It's a great way to give your metabolism, gut, whatever... a break. And I think in a weird way it does help to reduce stress since you're not thinking about food for two days of the week.
    Some people do complete zero calorie fasts and others eat every last one of their 500 or 600 allotted calories, lol.
    Good luck to you!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    No, it isn't.

    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.

    If you want to fast, do you. Why do you need validation from random internet strangers? :huh:

    How would asking for reviews from people who have done something be construed as asking for validation?
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    No, it isn't.

    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.

    If you want to fast, do you. Why do you need validation from random internet strangers? :huh:

    How would asking for reviews from people who have done something be construed as asking for validation?

    By the way the OP is responding.
  • catsdogsh
    catsdogsh Posts: 130 Member
    A water fast doesn't mean no water as some here seem to think. It means no food and drinking lots of water. Just FYI
  • inezbruce
    inezbruce Posts: 110 Member
    edited July 2016
    inezbruce wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.
    If you want to fast, do you. Why do you need validation from random internet strangers? :huh:
    inezbruce wrote: »
    Its nothing to do with validation.
    Its wanting to hear other peoples personal experiences and views on how fasting was for them

    Well as you can see you won't hear them here. So why argue a point that you already decided on?
    Edited to fix broken quotes.

    Yes I have made my mind up. It doesnt mean I shouldnt post asking for peoples personal experiences of it!

    Well when you post you will get every type of response, and that won't help your stress levels for sure.

    'Chef Barbel', if you having nothing constructive to say please just avoid saying anything.

    Karen, I have heard of the 5:2 but never researched it. Its something I will definitely look into, thanks for the advice :)

    [edited by MFP Mods]
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    No, it isn't.

    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.

    If you want to fast, do you. Why do you need validation from random internet strangers? :huh:

    How would asking for reviews from people who have done something be construed as asking for validation?

    By the way the OP is responding.

    She asked that those with no experience stop giving uninformed responses, but again I don't see how that would be construed as a need for validation. Seems more like trying to keep her thread on track.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    No, it isn't.

    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.

    If you want to fast, do you. Why do you need validation from random internet strangers? :huh:

    How would asking for reviews from people who have done something be construed as asking for validation?

    By the way the OP is responding.

    She asked that those with no experience stop giving uninformed responses, but again I don't see how that would be construed as a need for validation. Seems more like trying to keep her thread on track.

    People have responded that have fasted. *shrug*
  • inezbruce
    inezbruce Posts: 110 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    No, it isn't.

    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.

    If you want to fast, do you. Why do you need validation from random internet strangers? :huh:

    How would asking for reviews from people who have done something be construed as asking for validation?

    By the way the OP is responding.

    She asked that those with no experience stop giving uninformed responses, but again I don't see how that would be construed as a need for validation. Seems more like trying to keep her thread on track.

    Amen! I think people just like posting negative things. Half of the comments on this feed are by people who have never even done fast; despite that fact I asked for reviews in the original post!
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    edited July 2016
    inezbruce wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    No, it isn't.

    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.

    If you want to fast, do you. Why do you need validation from random internet strangers? :huh:

    How would asking for reviews from people who have done something be construed as asking for validation?

    By the way the OP is responding.

    She asked that those with no experience stop giving uninformed responses, but again I don't see how that would be construed as a need for validation. Seems more like trying to keep her thread on track.

    Amen! I think people just like posting negative things. Half of the comments on this feed are by people who have never even done fast; despite that fact I asked for reviews in the original post!

    Funny thing is I have fasted when I first started this being so misinformed. All it did was give me a headache and made me cranky. I learned quickly how to eat food to fuel my body and that my organs take care of toxins and such.

    You assume that people responding "negatively" haven't already been through this. Unless you are only looking for positive in which case posting on a message board won't provide that.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    No, it isn't.

    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.

    The removal of toxins related to smoking and the breakdown of caffeine occurs continually whether you continue with cigarettes and coffee or not. The issue with continuing to ingest these is that you can take them on board quicker than you can process them away.

    So, abstaining from smoking and coffee will "detox" you in as much as you will metabolise these but not replace them.

    But, the abstinence of food is a complete red-herring. It will make no difference to the rate at which you remove caffeine, cigarette based toxins, or any other toxins.

  • inezbruce
    inezbruce Posts: 110 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    No, it isn't.

    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.

    If you want to fast, do you. Why do you need validation from random internet strangers? :huh:

    How would asking for reviews from people who have done something be construed as asking for validation?

    By the way the OP is responding.

    She asked that those with no experience stop giving uninformed responses, but again I don't see how that would be construed as a need for validation. Seems more like trying to keep her thread on track.

    Amen! I think people just like posting negative things. Half of the comments on this feed are by people who have never even done fast; despite that fact I asked for reviews in the original post!

    Funny thing is I have fasted when I first started this being so misinformed. All it did was give me a headache and made me cranky. I learned quickly how to eat food to fuel my body and that my organs take care of toxins and such.

    Why not just say this first, put the negativity aside and just share your experience.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    No, it isn't.

    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.

    If you want to fast, do you. Why do you need validation from random internet strangers? :huh:

    How would asking for reviews from people who have done something be construed as asking for validation?

    By the way the OP is responding.

    She asked that those with no experience stop giving uninformed responses, but again I don't see how that would be construed as a need for validation. Seems more like trying to keep her thread on track.

    Amen! I think people just like posting negative things. Half of the comments on this feed are by people who have never even done fast; despite that fact I asked for reviews in the original post!

    Funny thing is I have fasted when I first started this being so misinformed. All it did was give me a headache and made me cranky. I learned quickly how to eat food to fuel my body and that my organs take care of toxins and such.

    I water fasted for three days and nearly crashed my car into an overpass. No more fasting for me, it serves no purpose.

    But, ya, OP tell us how it goes!
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    No, it isn't.

    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.

    If you want to fast, do you. Why do you need validation from random internet strangers? :huh:

    How would asking for reviews from people who have done something be construed as asking for validation?

    By the way the OP is responding.

    She asked that those with no experience stop giving uninformed responses, but again I don't see how that would be construed as a need for validation. Seems more like trying to keep her thread on track.

    Amen! I think people just like posting negative things. Half of the comments on this feed are by people who have never even done fast; despite that fact I asked for reviews in the original post!

    Funny thing is I have fasted when I first started this being so misinformed. All it did was give me a headache and made me cranky. I learned quickly how to eat food to fuel my body and that my organs take care of toxins and such.

    Why not just say this first, put the negativity aside and just share your experience.

    Asking questions does not equal rude. You might need to step away from the boards a bit as you are reading into text a little too hard.
  • inezbruce
    inezbruce Posts: 110 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    No, it isn't.

    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.

    If you want to fast, do you. Why do you need validation from random internet strangers? :huh:

    How would asking for reviews from people who have done something be construed as asking for validation?

    By the way the OP is responding.

    She asked that those with no experience stop giving uninformed responses, but again I don't see how that would be construed as a need for validation. Seems more like trying to keep her thread on track.

    Amen! I think people just like posting negative things. Half of the comments on this feed are by people who have never even done fast; despite that fact I asked for reviews in the original post!

    Funny thing is I have fasted when I first started this being so misinformed. All it did was give me a headache and made me cranky. I learned quickly how to eat food to fuel my body and that my organs take care of toxins and such.

    Why not just say this first, put the negativity aside and just share your experience.

    Asking questions does not equal rude. You might need to step away from the boards a bit as you are reading into text a little too hard.

    Telling me I am seeking validation from strangers is not asking a question and it is rude.
    Over it.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    No, it isn't.

    PS yes it is.
    I drink caffeine and smoke daily surely fasting would eliminate these toxins from my body whilst i'm refraining from it. Unless you've done a fast or have any real knowledge keep it to yourself.

    If you want to fast, do you. Why do you need validation from random internet strangers? :huh:

    How would asking for reviews from people who have done something be construed as asking for validation?

    By the way the OP is responding.

    She asked that those with no experience stop giving uninformed responses, but again I don't see how that would be construed as a need for validation. Seems more like trying to keep her thread on track.

    Amen! I think people just like posting negative things. Half of the comments on this feed are by people who have never even done fast; despite that fact I asked for reviews in the original post!

    Funny thing is I have fasted when I first started this being so misinformed. All it did was give me a headache and made me cranky. I learned quickly how to eat food to fuel my body and that my organs take care of toxins and such.

    Why not just say this first, put the negativity aside and just share your experience.

    Asking questions does not equal rude. You might need to step away from the boards a bit as you are reading into text a little too hard.

    Telling me I am seeking validation from strangers is not asking a question and it is rude.
    Over it.

    Mmm hm.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Fasting (which is different from 5:2 style "fasting") doesn't do a thing about caffeine (which isn't a toxin unless you are consuming weird doses and doesn't build up in the system) or cigarettes. I've fasted for a day plenty of times, and I've also quit caffeine, which was a process of more than one day (and not aided by not consuming food) if one is hooked on it. I've never smoked, but obviously how one would "detox" from that is not smoked, not not eating.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, when I was young and hadn't done much research on how the body works, I tried doing 24 hour juice fasts on occasion. They did nothing but make me cranky and hungry and gave me a headache. So definitely did not de-stress me.

    I have since educated myself a lot more and I know that my kidneys and liver filter all the bad stuff out of my body every day. They don't need a break, they literally exist to do this every day.

    People here are telling you it isn't a good idea so you don't waste your time and energy on it. These are internet strangers trying to help you out, which seems pretty nice to me. And honestly, a person doesn't have to do something to know whether it works or not. Science has really helped us out with that sort of thing. I can't see all the molecules in my desk vibrating around, but science has explained how that works, so I can know it without experiencing it.

    My personal opinion is you would do much better eating a healthy diet with plenty of veggies, lean protein, and healthy fats while trying to cut back the caffeine and stop smoking. The food will give your body the energy and nutrients it needs to deal with the stress of getting used to less caffeine and no smoking, and that will make you way healthier than a water fast. Whatever you decide to do, best of luck.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I've followed a fasting schedule - it did nothing to remove toxins or to remove stress.
    It simply allowed me to regulate my weekly calories.

    I've also gone through intense and prolonged periods of stress and adding to stress by fasting is simply a bad idea. It may distract you temporarily but that's about the only positive I can think of - but there's better and more productive ways than being undernourished for a short spell. Exercise, meditation or relaxation techniques for example.

    You need to identify and resolve (or contain, or just find a way to endure....) what is causing you stress. Looking for "woo" ways to do that is just clutching at straws and avoiding the underlying issue.

    Good luck.
  • beckym215
    beckym215 Posts: 5 Member
    I've never tried a water fast, but I do a 6:1 thing once a week. I do eat about 500 calories on the "fast day" but cut out coffee that day. The first week I did it was the worst (I was thinking about food ALL DAY), but every week since has been much easier. It has helped me bust through my weight loss plateau. I always feel great the day after my fast day, and I find that the workouts I have the day after are AWESOME. Again, its not for everyone, and I personally wouldn't recommend doing just water for 24 hours, because you'll probably end up dizzy and sick. So maybe ease into a bit? Just my 2 cents!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    inezbruce wrote: »
    It would be more beneficial for your body and mind if you stopped reading women's magazines and watching infomercials. If you are stressed, find better ways to organize your day, and methods to de-stress.

    Please do not undermine me.
    The stress in my life DOES NOT come down to organisation of my day.
    You know nothing about me or my life please don't make assumptions that reflect your own day to day living.
    A method to de-stress could be fasting? People fast for religious purposes, people fast as a form of meditation, people fast to have better control over eating habits, people fast because its a good way in which to clear your body of toxins and give your digestive system a break.

    What toxins?