Injured - Need motivation

Hi all. I love coming here because the support is amazing. Here's my story -- I was doing great in June, had 8.2 pound weight loss for the month and was crushing my fitness goals. I sprained and fractured my ankle on June 29 and have only had 2 weight-training workouts in the almost 2 weeks since my injury. The scale is mostly constant, but I'm finding it harder to eat well and haven't been logging. I don't want to fall off the wagon, so to speak, but need some motivation. I go back to the doctor in 2 days and will hopefully be given the green light to start doing some light cardio or something (I've been non-weight bearing and on crutches). Thanks for your help :smile:


  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    Urgh I hear your pain. I was lifting 3 time a week then got a groin tear. No legs for hmmm was 2 months.
    So I concentrated on core strength which I kinds neglected and upper body. I hobbled to gym did my thing.
    I dropped my calorie intake by 200 a day.
    It's only an ankle u have rest of body to develop ;)
    I then banged my wrist once leg repaired and haven't used wrist in 3 months lol back to core n legs now. But be careful on recovery. Strengthen the joint. Go see physio for advice before returning.
    And you may lose a little gains but honestly it's not that bad. If you have a good rehab strengthening program you'll come back quick.