Festival Food

So, i'm off to a festival this weekend; i do a lot of festivals, usually three or four every year, and every year i go with the attitude of 'wahoo, freedom, let's drink all the alcohol and eat all the bacon butties i can afford!'

Well, not this year. I'm doing well with my weight loss and don't want to ruin it, especially because i only have a few more pounds to go and it's been damn difficult getting this far! I'm going to be pretty skint, so i want to take food with me, rather than spend £6 on a curry. So it has to be food that doesn't require cooking, (maybe i could find someone with access to boiling water for soups or whatnot, but no guarentees), won't take up a huge amount of room as i'm getting there by public transport, will keep for two or three days, and is healthy.

I've just started a weight training program, so recently have cut out wheat, don't eat carbs after 6pm, and have upped my protein massively. However, because i know this isn't the easiest of situations, i am willing to be a bit lax on my rules as i'm sure it will be more worthwhile in the end.

Anybody got any ideas? I was thinking apples, cereal bars, and nuts, but that's all i've got so far. And maybe some cuppa soup. Usually i take a loaf of bread to festivals, but what with the cutting out wheat thing i feel that may be too off the track.
