Did your change in lifestyle affect your personal relationships?

In my case, my relationship with my boyfriend is strained. He eats out daily, multiple times a day (not exaggerating). He skips breakfast usually but lunch and dinner is always eaten out or ordered via delivery. Ignore the fact that it's horribly expensive (average $80 per night on dinner alone) but it's also higher in calorie than what I would make myself. I don't really cook, so dinner for me is a sandwich or something which is okay for me but he looks at me as if I need "real food" and not a "flimsy sandwich". I don't know why he cares so much. Even if we have 10 days straight where I eat out with him, if I skip the 11th he says things like "it's literally just chicken, do you not eat anymore?" He loves sharing appetizers and small plates plus having two full entrees; one for each of us. It adds up! I used to not eat all day to have a really big dinner with him but then I'm left cranky all day.

For months we've been eating out every day, but today I'm starting to track my calories again and already we have a problem over it even though I've been eating out consistently with him literally since at least April.

When I tell him I'm no longer in my comfort zone (I don't mind floating between 130-145 pounds) he says he eats out normally and his body remains the same, as if that negates my personal experience with it.

Anyone have similar experiences? What happened?

Sorry for any typos, typing on my phone!


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    No. Both of my current significant others have been amazingly supportive.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I don't like people who police what I eat. And your boyfriend is policing what you eat. You aren't a toddler and he isn't your parent, you can make your own decisions about your meals. It would be great if he supported you, but at the end of the day, you have to be the one to stand firm and say "no I'm not eating all of those calories at dinner" or "I'm only going to have an entree and not the extras bc it doesn't fit in my calories." Good luck.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I've been married for 16 years and we have a teenager. My lifestyle didn't change much. My relationships are the same. My plate does not always look like dh's or dd's.
    I eat out one meal a week with my family. I cook dinner every day. I eat things that are low to no prep for other meals and snacks. I plan meals and I always did for financial reasons. There is no way we could afford eating out every day. I also enjoy cooking.
    I post recipes and my monthly meal plan on my blog. https://lounmoun.wordpress.com/
    I find food ideas on Pinterest a lot.
    Some other good places for food ideas:

    This is stuff I typically eat:
    Breakfast- Greek yogurt, granola bars, cereal with milk, sandwich, dinner leftovers, fruit (about 200-300 calories)
    Lunch- sandwich, salad, or dinner leftovers (about 300-500 calories)
    Dinner- something different every night of the month. (about 500-600 calories) I have soup once a week usually which makes a lot of leftovers that freeze and reheat well.
    Snacks- things like fruit, chips, popcorn, pretzels, chocolate, cookies, granola bar, carrots, celery, broccoli, trail mix, deviled eggs, pickles, cottage cheese(about 100-300 calories)

    I know what fits my calorie goals pretty well by now at the restaurants we usually go to. I might get a regular single hamburger, a side salad with vinaigrette dressing and an unsweetened iced tea for example.

    You should probably work out some compromise on how often you will eat out together. If he wants to eat out every day he can do that. You don't have to. You aren't required to eat meals together to spend time together. Maybe you can plan a different activity to do together or go out for coffee instead of a full meal.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Maybe mention it to him rather than here? My wife and got fat together and we got fit together. We also drink together and workout together. That said, we haven't and don't always do those things at the same time. I don't get upset at her when she offers me ice cream, and she doesn't post on MFP when I take her to dinner or go to dinner with a client. Find a way to communicate with one who matters to you.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    edited July 2016
    Sounds like the two of you had a relationship that very much revolved around food and eating out.... just because you've decided it's time for you to change doesn't mean that he completely understands or agrees or even wants you to change. Sounds like you guys need to have a nice talk with each other about your desires and needs for the future because his may include a girlfriend who loves to eat out with him all the time- and if that person is not going to be you..... well, you know

    Or maybe he just needs you to tell him what he's supposed to do or not do, he's a guy! lol

    (& remember relationships are NOT all about you and what you want, they are about each other and sometimes that means compromise not only from him but you as well... and again the two of you may just have completely different expectations of what you want in a relationship, and maybe that sucks but sometimes it happens)
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    Talk to your boyfriend in a serious conversation and explain your troubles. Once he knows how much it means to you, he will help.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    dlkfox wrote: »
    Maybe mention it to him rather than here? My wife and got fat together and we got fit together. We also drink together and workout together. That said, we haven't and don't always do those things at the same time. I don't get upset at her when she offers me ice cream, and she doesn't post on MFP when I take her to dinner or go to dinner with a client. Find a way to communicate with one who matters to you.

    ... that you know of ....

    Bitterness isn't attractive
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    My lifestyle change put a strain on my relationship...because all I cared about was food and lifting heavy things. And muscles.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    Talk to your boyfriend in a serious conversation and explain your troubles. Once he knows how much it means to you, he will help.

    I agree with the post but here's the other part of the equation. A successful relationship is based on compromise. If he can't agree or respect your opinion then you have to reevaluate where you are. for any relationship to be successful, people have to compromise and respect the other person opinion as long as it doesn't violate their moral code.

    Based on what you said he sounds like a control freak or he's very insecure. One last thing to remember is that for your relationship to be successful you have to be happy and comfortable with yourself. If you're not happy and comfortable with yourself I hate to tell you this but the relationship is doomed.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yes it did. I can't stand staying home all day anymore... got to move. He doesn't care. And eating out is a pain for me so sometimes we get frustrated finding a place.

    But I cook now so he's happy about that..
  • RosieRose7673
    RosieRose7673 Posts: 438 Member
    Not really. However, my taste in food is drastically different than my boyfriends. We eat out every so often but cook almost every day (well, he cooks). We just cook smaller portions for our separate foods and eat the left overs the next day.

    Like tonight. He's making fajitas for us. He wanted shrimp, I wanted chicken. We're making both and saving the leftovers.

    When eating out, it's not necessary to eat the same things. Why can't you guys enjoy each other's company while he's eating what he wants and you enjoy what you want (in moderation of course!).

    I agree with others. It's about compromise!
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    Why is this such an issue for him? Legitimate question, I don't really understand. I usually eat differently than my husband. We eat together, but often different foods. If we do take out its not uncommon that I get something from one place and his dinner comes from another. We have different palates and it's not inconvenient to accommodate both our tastes. I'm primarily a vegetarian and he loves meat - I would feel horrible if he had to give that up.

    Would your boyfriend agree to a compromise where he gets take out for himself and you can make your dinner? You guys can have a nice romantic dinner at home that you're both happy with :)
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    Everyone here is so quick to judge him- you probably just need to have a serious dialogue. Sounds like this is a very recent change. It's obvious food is a huge part of his life something it sounds like you used to take part of and shared. With that gone he might just be missing being able to share that with you- crunch some numbers with him and find something else you guys can do that you enjoy. I'm a vegetarian so food mismatches are pretty common in relationships for me. Buuuut you'll have to chat with him to get to the bottom of it.
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    afatpersonwholikesfood Posts: 577 Member
    edited July 2016

    My husband is still obese (I happily married him that way and don't expect him to change - that's entirely up to him), still very supportive, and we still go out to eat. A different, lighter dinner is fine when my calories left are low, but he would not be thrilled if that was happening consistently - he would also probably tell me that a sandwich did not constitute dinner. We do a mix of healthy/lower calorie with a side of portion control (for me) on other nights. I have still lost weight and continue to lose weight.

    Admittedly, I have a pretty poor view of the concept of eating separate meals from everyone else. Sometimes, it's the best way to hit your goals for the day, but I don't see how that is sustainable or enjoyable as a regular thing.

    Edited to add: Compromise is important on the parts of both people, though.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited July 2016
    In my case, my relationship with my boyfriend is strained. He eats out daily, multiple times a day (not exaggerating). He skips breakfast usually but lunch and dinner is always eaten out or ordered via delivery. Ignore the fact that it's horribly expensive (average $80 per night on dinner alone) but it's also higher in calorie than what I would make myself.

    I don't really cook, so dinner for me is a sandwich or something which is okay for me but he looks at me as if I need "real food" and not a "flimsy sandwich". ...he says things like "it's literally just chicken, do you not eat anymore?" He loves sharing appetizers and small plates plus having two full entrees; one for each of us. It adds up! I used to not eat all day to have a really big dinner with him but then I'm left cranky all day.

    For months we've been eating out every day, but today I'm starting to track my calories again and already we have a problem over it even though I've been eating out consistently with him literally since at least April.

    When I tell him I'm no longer in my comfort zone (I don't mind floating between 130-145 pounds) he says he eats out normally and his body remains the same, as if that negates my personal experience with it.
    I read your post over and several things pop out at me. You don't weigh much and can use up your whole day's calories by eating one meal with your boyfriend. He doesn't like what you make (sandwiches) for dinner, so he eats out a lot. $80 dinners add up! Are you able to compromise at all with him? If you can't do something soon, then this will only get worse over time.

    My husband and I eat home almost every day. Sometimes we do go out but normally that is a special treat not a regular custom. But my sis in law, for instance, hates cooking and eats out a lot, so I do understand. My mother in law picks up precooked food at the supermarket so that she doesn't have to prepare it and can nuke it. Everyone has their preferences.

    It sounds that you just started tracking, and your boyfriend isn't used to your new meal changes. Use this time to talk over your hopes, dreams, and plans. See if he can help figure out a way to work with you. If he prefers them and can afford expensive eat out dinners now, maybe you could cut down your portions and take some back home with you? It sounds like you could easily gain weight if you don't do something quickly to figure out a solution.