1200?? Yes again...

Hello dear MFPers!!
I just wanted to know if MFP is right with the calories it gives me to eat everyday.
My net goal on MFP is 1200 calories.
My Katch Mc Ardle BMR is 1205 calories.
My TDEE is 1205+20% = 1446 calories
Every time I exercise,I log it and I try to eat all the calories back, following the numbers on MFP.
According to Fat2fit website, since I am moderatly active, I should eat 1945 calories.

Should I stick to MFP (because i don't exercise everyday) and log my exercise or should I follow Fat2fit and don't log exercise?
What do you think?

PS: sorry for the redundance of my post


  • sebedina
    sebedina Posts: 161 Member

    Just to say I am not sure, but I did find my allowance was way too low for me. I am nearly 14 stone and it said I need to eat 1,300 calories a day and I know for sure that that is too low for me, so I have set my own calorie intake to something that is more satisfying and woud still allow me to lose weight. If you are hungry there is a danger that you will go off the rails. Good luck. It's early days for me too.
  • primalpam
    primalpam Posts: 64 Member
    Height? Current weight?
  • ariane40
    ariane40 Posts: 17
    My height is 4"11 and weight 111lbs (please don't judge me because I want to loose a little more weight)
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    I think you got your TDEE calculation a bit wrong there - TDEE is total daily energy expenditure - NOT your BMR.
    TDEE is calculated by BMR multiplied by your activity multiplier - 1.2 (low activity) etc.

    BMR of 1205 (seems quite low - are you very small?) - so 1205 multiplied by a moderately active multiplier of 1.55 give a TDEE of 1867.

    From this TDEE you subtract 20% - to get a 1494 calorie goal or 15% to get 1587. If you don't have a lot to lose, then 15% is maybe a better deficit to use.

    If you are using the TDEE method, you do not eat back exercise calories as they are already accounted for in your TDEE.

    I expect you have your MFP weekly loss set too high (1lb/wk is too much for only a small amount of weight to lose) hence why you're getting the 1200 goal from MFP.
  • ELEANOR43da
    ELEANOR43da Posts: 166 Member
    I am on 1200 and I find I am hungry throughout the day but am trying to do some research and bring in different foods to see if I can find better fillers tohave for my snacks to satisfy my needs. I do eat back what I exercise if I am hungry, but don't eat them all if not needed. Think if I were really hungry I would aim for a little higher, but definitely not the real high end...........just my thoughts!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I do not understand. Is F2F saying your TDEE is 1945? If so, you subtract 20% from that, which will put you in the 1550 range for calories.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Should get you to the same place on average for the week. So what is easier for you eating 1945 everyday, or 1200 some days and 2300ish on days you workout.

    I would also suggest that since you have so little to lose that if following MFP set your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week, if using the TDEE method eat 10-15% below TDEE not 20%. The less you have to lose the smaller your deficit should be to avoid the risk of losing lean muscle while trying to lose fat.
  • themelmac
    themelmac Posts: 59 Member
    I think you're doing the TDEE calculation wrong - you don't add 20% to your base BMR number to get your TDEE.

    The TDEE is usually calculated in one of the calculators - like Fat2Fit or Scooby's Workshop. And you subtract your weight loss goal from that (10%, 15%, 20%, etc). The TDEE is usually MUCH higher. Example, my BMR is 1405 and my TDEE is about 2000.

    Most of the people here will tell you to eat MORE than your BMR, but less than your TDEE to lose weight.

    I'm sure someone who follows the TDEE method will weigh in too.

    Personally, I initially selected the 2 lb weight loss and got 1200 calories. It was too low to me. I looked at my BMR number and I ended up adjusting the MFP goal upward above my BMR (lose 1lb per week) and the calories were much better.
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    Given your size, I'd say that was probably "accurate"--but, you have to remember MFP just gives you a number based on the data you provide. If you don't feel like it's enough, then of course, eat more! And that calorie count is what you should NET--not what you should consume. So, if you workout, eat more! Find what works for you! I'm 5'9"ish and still considered "overweight" by those silly BMI charts, but MFP set me at 1200 as well when I was trying to lose more quickly...
    Best wishes
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    My height is 4"11 and weight 111lbs (please don't judge me because I want to loose a little more weight)

    According to your profile your goal is 48 kg so around 105/106 lbs? Since it's not a big amount you want to lose, perhaps instead focus more on the inches lost than the scale weight :)

    Also, since it's only a few lbs till your scale goal, I think you should set MFP to lose 0.5 lb/week, instead of the default of 2 lb/wk :) I personally choose to use the calculator from Scooby though:
  • ariane40
    ariane40 Posts: 17
    Wow thanks for all the replies!
    I have already set my goal at .5lbs per week but it won't change from a 1lbs per week (strange isn't it).
    ERICKIRB: that's true that for me it's easier to eat more calories just when i exercise but i think i'm going to follow you and LADYPAKAL with the TDEE -15%. It will be easier to eat an average amount of 1500 cals.

    Thanks again for your explanations!