Any at-home-workout suggestions?

Ells_n_x Posts: 33 Member
I don't have any gym equipment, at the moment I do the daily ab, thigh and butt challenge aswell as jogging. Feel free to add me with any suggestions please ☺️


  • jeangimenez472
    jeangimenez472 Posts: 6 Member
    When I first started I did air squats push ups sit ups and ran a whole those band me you do enough of those they will work you out..then you can do burpees to airsquats you know to change it up..there's a lot you can do..remember always incorporate a run or a walk after your will feel it..hope this helps cheers!
  • jesusarolon
    jesusarolon Posts: 208 Member
    Yoga or body weight training.
  • ElleAnn0714
    ElleAnn0714 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there, interval training is a fun way to get a workout in. I do 30 min, alternating 1min marching, to 1 min jogging. Listen to some fun music and the time flys.
  • SaraMA1
    SaraMA1 Posts: 410 Member
    Try checking out this girls blog: Life in Leggings.
    She has some awesome no gym equipment that you can do inside or outside that will burn lots of calories!
    Good Luck!
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    I love the app Sworkit. You pick the type of exercise (cardio, stretch, strength) and how much time you have and a routine is created to fit the criteria. It's great!