30lbs to Go ~ You?

I have been at this for a LONG time, much longer than neccessary, really. During my weight loss I have had 2 babies causing significant spikes in weight gain forcing me to start over again twice. I am just (finaly) finding the mentality I need after having my last daughter a year ago (next week). I have 30lbs to go to get to my initial goal weight, i'm looking for some new friends to help keep me motivated and moving forward. I am 5'6 and currently weigh 175lbs with hopes of getting to 145lbs.

My biggest issue with weight loss is that I work 50 hours a week then go home, cook dinner, play with my girls, get them in bed, chores and then it's bed time. I CANNOT FIND THE TIME TO EXERCISE! Now, I fully understand that if I wanted to badly enough I would make time but who (really) wants to exercise? I want to learn to LOVE to exercise to set a good example for my girls.

Anyone in my same boat with the same goals? Let's help each other!


  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
  • skparker2
    skparker2 Posts: 132
    I don't have kids myself, but I feel your pain.

    Recently, since February, I've been trying to lose weight that I gained after graduating in 2011. And with my new job and with hectic scheduling and short-staff, as a part-timer, I've been working 40-50 hour weeks for the last month. It's been killing my energy and mental motivation to work out.

    When I'm leaving work, the last thing on my mind is cooking a meal or working out. I had lost 15 pounds between the beginning of March to around May. And then I started backsliding.

    My weight has fluctated and I've actually gained since I haven't been going to the gym or eating like I should. I've lost almost 20 but I could still stand to lose another 20 pounds myself.

    I feel ya. Don't think you're alone.
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    Hi Mrs Brosco, I will be your friend. I know all about "no time" and I HATE exercise! but then again I hate being overweight.....
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I completely understand the having babies and starting over. I started about 14 years ago at 266 and lost a bit, had a baby, lost a bit more, had another baby and then I had twins and well, my twins are seven and I decided 3 months ago, no excuses!!!!

    I can't relate on the working full time (lets face it, I couldn't afford child care with so many kiddos) but I do relate to not having time. My children have a various challenges and it's a huge time suck.

    Count calories, do what you can even if it's a ten minute walk and know that it will get easier. Also, shoot me a friends request if you'd like another mom on your team. :)
  • camilla48
    camilla48 Posts: 11 Member
    I am in the same boat. I lose a few, then gain it all back and around and around I go. I weighed 162.5 this morning and am 5'4". My goal...that I can't seem to make progress on is to get down to 135.
  • professorhuggins
    professorhuggins Posts: 72 Member
    I was the sole caretaker of my two little ones when my wife was pregnant with our third (she gets so sick that we are in and out of the ER for dehydration from day 1 until the baby is out) and during that time the double jogging stroller and the pull behind bike trailer were my best friends. They were one and three at the time and they loved it, especially the bike trailer!
  • annemb989
    annemb989 Posts: 6
    Ahhhhhhhhh I totally understand hecktic schedules!!! I work 3 jobs 50-70 hours a week, I have an amazing husband and we share responsibilities around the house (No children yet) I realized a few months ago that the slow weight gain since college had built up to being overweight... NOOO... So I had to sit down with my husband and our weekly schedule to plan my workouts- I'm doing currently the new Beachbody program T25 It is Shaun T's (Insanity, hip hop abs) 25 minute workout!!!! It's GREAT! I'm currently doing the modified (I have 1 lung and my heart is on the wrong side turned around so I often have to modify cardio and I'm rebuilding stamina since I have gained 40 lbs in 5 years) So slowly but surely- However with MyFitnessPal (watching portion control) Eating healthier, drinking Shakeology once a day sometimes 2 cause I really like it and it helps clean me out... including the T25 workouts first week on the program I've lost 3 lbs. I'm excited about that!!! If you want to know more about T25 or Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainers (those are 10 minute workouts you can build or keep at 10 minutes) let me know!!!
    Anne Marie Donovan
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    I am a manager. I work about 40 hours a week then 10 putise my store. Plus have a family life. Thank God no Kids yet or I am not sure how I would fit in myself. I am glad you added me. Can't wait to get to know u better!!
  • KeeKs5150
    KeeKs5150 Posts: 2
    Mrs. Brosco,
    I definitely can relate with your story! I am only 5'05" starting weight 178 it has been a long journey and #1 I don't like excercising #2 it is hard to find time when you work full time + have a family and household to run. I to feel the pressure. No matter what don't give up and keep pushing forward. If you are looking for friends and support you can add me