Getting Proper nutrition with IBS and training for a half marathon?

vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
Those that suffer similar disorders, how do you handle nutrition?

A bit of background into the situation.. Last year I got checked for Crohn's when I dropped 15lbs and constantly found myself in the bathroom. They sent me on my way with some probiotic ideas after not finding anything.

Fast forward to recently. For the most part, I was able to keep flare ups to a minimum. It never really affected my performance until recently. I am training for my first half marathon this coming September, and I have been trying to eat around the maintenance level. However, the IBS is obviously skewing my intake, which has resulted in a loss of a few pounds despite upping my intake, which in turn is making the IBS worse.

I guess my question is if anyone has ideas for intake that would be a bit easier on the stomach. I have tried mapping out what causes the itrritation, but my doctor and I have found no correlation between foods and flare ups. It seems to just do it when it feels.

What I'm finding is that I get a mild upset stomach whether I eat or fast before a run, but I'm more concerned about the overall weakness I am starting to experience no matter if I eat above maintenance or not. Has anyone had luck in settling their IBS?