Do you workout with your significant other?



  • cwsikes
    cwsikes Posts: 86
    My husband and I work out together every day. We always run at least a mile a day and this is almost always done together. Daily dog walks are also done together. Trainer rides inside are done together but we sometimes do different workouts. Going to the gym to do weights is also together but we do our own thing once there. Long bike rides outside are done together for safety reasons. Regular and long runs, we start off together for about the first quarter mile and then he'll take off at his pace. We sign up for all the same races, but don't race together.

    ....I think I just made us sound like nutcases.

    Edit: One of the reasons we got this way is because we decided at the same time that we were fat and needed to lose weight so we started together at that point. Our workouts have changed over the past 3 years but we've always thought we wouldn't be as dedicated and consistent if the other person wasn't also doing it. It's been successful though. I've dropped from 175 lbs to 133 lbs (5'10" female) and he's dropped from 250 lbs to 185 lbs (5'10" male) with little "dieting".
  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
    I use to all the time with my ex. We'd go on runs together and to the gym. We're still great friends so if he's ever in the city I try to get him to go on a run with me. Given that I've surpassed his running ability, that never happens.

    The current boyfriend won't even consider it. He says he'd be too embarrassed to workout in front of me because I'm in better shape than him. He takes my constructive criticism on health and working out as flat out criticism. Don't really like it though. I've always worked out with who I'm dating.

    You don't think your current bf would have a problem with that. Especially since you described him as somewhat self conscious about his shape.
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    Funny enough I go with not only my fiance, but his mother and step-dad! We wake at five AM every day . . . and let me just say, neither one of us are morning people. His mom is, but not us, nor his step-dad.
  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
    My time in the gym, on the mat, or running, or w/e workout I'm doing is my time.
  • Sergette1
    Sergette1 Posts: 27 Member
    Never with my husband but I always walk and jog with my crazy dog (pit-bull rescue)!!! So... not with my significant other but always with my best friend!!
  • Izanami66
    Izanami66 Posts: 181 Member
    My boyfriend and I do not jog together because he's much much faster than me. In general, he has more athletic ability, despite the fact that I work out regularly and he does once in a blue moon.

    One thing we've found that does work for both of us is the NYT 7 minute workout: . We do it simultaneously, but we each adjust as necessary for our abilities. I do the push ups on my knees (and way less of them). On the other hand, his squats are more shallow than mine. We actually do each exercise for 1 minute instead of 30 seconds... or try to, anyway. It means more downtime for me with certain exercises (eff you, triceps dips), but ensures we both get a good workout.

    It's an intense workout and it's much easier to motivate myself to do it with a partner!

    My fiance and I have been doing the scientific workout, too!! It's great, and we too are bumping up the seconds. Haven't reached a whole minute yet, but 45 seconds is pretty killer so far! And yes, friggin tricep dips!! :grumble:

    He also recently bought a weight set (single hand bars with the plates that slide on), so we've been working with those, too. In fact, my arms hate him today, but I love that he's getting into it.

    OP, I've been at this a while now, but he just recently decided that dunlap was not his thing, and became really ready to fight it. It's been great!! Just gotta find something (and some time) that works for both of you and gives you both the workout you're looking for. Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • DaniKaren
    DaniKaren Posts: 79 Member
    There are physical activities that my fiancee and I enjoy doing together (hiking, Kinect, Wii Sports, walking the dog around the neighborhood, etc). For the most part though, I want my workout time to be about me. I don't mind going to the gym together, but I don't want to follow one another. I understand that I might be sounding a little jerky right now, but hear me out. I want to lose myself in my workout. I can't get in the zone with him right next to me. It's distracting. He's adorable, and I find myself staring at his calves. Also, it makes me focus on what I look like, which is ridiculous. I didn't come to the gym to look cute. I came to burn some calories and build some muscle.
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    I use to all the time with my ex. We'd go on runs together and to the gym. We're still great friends so if he's ever in the city I try to get him to go on a run with me. Given that I've surpassed his running ability, that never happens.

    The current boyfriend won't even consider it. He says he'd be too embarrassed to workout in front of me because I'm in better shape than him. He takes my constructive criticism on health and working out as flat out criticism. Don't really like it though. I've always worked out with who I'm dating.

    You don't think your current bf would have a problem with that. Especially since you described him as somewhat self conscious about his shape.

    Nope! We're still great friends and he knows very that I still talk to him and see him occasionally. Just like he still talks to his ex and catches up with her on occasion too. I have zero issue with this. We're too rational and mature for jealousy.
  • Kindone
    Kindone Posts: 138 Member
    My partner and I work out together three days a week on a set schedule. If we feel that we need to make an alteration, we have to discuss and negotiate it as we are keeping each other accountable to stay on track. Typically one of my two teen sons will join us on any given day as well. I suspect my daughter, when she comes back from her summer job, will join us as well. HUGELY successful and motivating to be doing this as a couple/family.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Yes, we do. I love it. He is my spotter when I lift heavier weights. We do cardio separately most of the time, but we do strength training together whenever we can. I feel more motivated to work out when I know he's counting on me to be there. It's also nice to exercise together with someone who is your biggest supporter and biggest beneficiary of your new fit body.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    My wife does Wendler's 5/3/1 lifting routine with me at the gym. We're also both runners...sometimes we train together but often one of us needs to watch the kiddos while the other is running and vice versa. Next year we have our sites set on a few sprint triathlons as we are getting a bit bored with 5Ks...though the mud/obstacle course runs are loads of fun.
  • MercedesV
    MercedesV Posts: 70 Member
    no hes not interested
    hes staying fat


  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    Yes and often and love it. She is a babe and very positive. We motivate one another and do everything from walking, to lifting, dancing, Zumba. We enjoy a very healthy lifestyle, have a love for life, and one another.

  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    Yes, we do. I love it. He is my spotter when I lift heavier weights. We do cardio separately most of the time, but we do strength training together whenever we can. I feel more motivated to work out when I know he's counting on me to be there. It's also nice to exercise together with someone who is your biggest supporter and biggest beneficiary of your new fit body.

    Amen! Can I get a witness?
  • dixieracer27
    dixieracer27 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm trying to get mine to join the gym with me, I rally need a spotter plus he needs to workout. No luck yet!
  • reankanesmom
    reankanesmom Posts: 132 Member
    I have worked out with my husband a number of times but it turns into me getting pissed off at him LOL(which makes me work out harder) but still never a good thing. The only time we do work out and get along is when we are hitting and kicking pads and I think that is because hes showing me not putting me down and I am accepting what he is saying and not rolling my eyes LOL
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    My boyfriend has been nudging me because he wants us to get a few bikes and start taking rides together, or even just take walks together after dinner but I always decline. I'm still so much bigger than him that's it's embarrassing when I'm huffing and puffing and crazy out of breath - and he's just strolling along at his speedy little pace. I already hate just walking up a flight of stairs with him lol *sigh*