30 day shred has slowed down weight loss

Fitness Pals, I need advise. I have exactly 4 week until my Disney trip, and 5lbs to lose to met my new goal. any advise on how I can accomplish this? I started doing the 30 days shred. Day 5 completed. I want to complete ths program by disney as well. However I think it has slowed down my weight loss. I know alot of people say you will lose it in inches with the 30 day shred, which is great, however I still want to lose 5lbs as well. My elliptical is still out of service, waiting on the belt to arrive for repair. I walk almost every day on my 30 min lunch break, weather permitted. I run a few times a week. what else can I do to help with my goal to lose 5lbs in the next 4 weeks?


  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Inches is you losing pounds of fat. Don't pay attention to the scale.

    And after 5 days, there's no way to be able to tell that your weight loss has actually slowed. If you've gained, it might be water retention from your muscles repairing themselves.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You're already under eating so subtracting calories isn't an option. I wouldn't look to exercise for weight loss. Use it as a way to be fit and have strong muscles. You may just have some water retention because you have muscles trying to repair if you're seeing weight gain after 5 days of a new exercise plan.

    There's no way to speed up those last 5 pounds but keeping up a plan like 30 DS will definitely give you a more sculpted look which may be better than losing that last bit.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Please don't rely on the scale for the 30 day shred. I lost 16.5 inches off my entire body my last round of it but only lost 1 lb that got me to my ultimate goal weight. It also has a lot to do with how much you have to lose. Are you following her nutrition guide for this program? I tell anyone when they want to do this, to not rely on the scale, take pictures before and after, and take measurements after each level.
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    when i was doing weight watchers years ago, i had to quit exercising to lose the last 8 lbs. I was already thin, but i got hung up on the numbers. Well i did get thinner, and once my body ate enough of of my muscle mass away to get my to my "goal weight" my metabolism tanked and i got sick, then i got fat.

    I agree with look at pictures, take measurements, etc. but let go of the numbers at this point. I always slow down losing weight when i change activities, but after a few weeks i have a big weight drop. like my body knows it's becoming a habit and agrees to go with it. I also find that if i don;t have bigger food days, the lower food days don't help me much. It's kind of like tricking your body a little. If it's expecting more food every day, it burns more food every day, then when i take that 1800 calories and throw in some 1400 calorie days, they really help me lose... if i eat 1400 calories every day, my body only ever wants to burn 1400 calories.

    good luck!
  • dessyjo
    dessyjo Posts: 176 Member
    Take a trip to the local pool. That's what I did for a quick/fun loss.

    On the bright side, the 30 day shred will make you look like you lost 10lbs.
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    I don't think you can actually have a good idea that your weight loss has slowed in 5 days.

    That aside, your weight loss WILL slow. People usually lose faster and then it slows down. It kind of stinks because you think, MAN this is so simple - I can lose a million pounds in a couple months!

    And then your body says "Just Kidding!"

    Odds are it's just a coincidence that you happened to start 30 Day Shred. I'd say just keep on keeping on. You're doing something new already, so your body will appreciate that.

    Good luck getting to your goal! But remember...it's just an arbitrary number
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    When you first start working out, you develop microtears in your muscle fibers a a normal part of exercise. Your body will retain water and glycogen at the site of these tears as part of the inflammation response to speed up healing. Water is quite dense, particularly when compared to fat, and so can balance out or even offset any losses from fat on the scale. It normally takes 2-3 weeks for your body to adjust to the routine and release the retained fluids. This is normal, and is not impeding your fat loss. The scale will lie to you and you are not losing fat because you are not losing weight. Take body measurements. Inches will continue to drop even when you are retaining water due to exercise and will give you a better sense of your actual progress. I'm doing insanity, and I have gained 2 lbs over the last month, however I have dropped 2.5" off of my waist and lost 3% body fat, so the 2 lbs doesn't worry me. Stick to it and don't let the scale get you down.