overcoming disappointment?

Good Morning, MFP!

I hope you are all doing well. :happy:

I wanted to post something in hopes of hearing how some of you who may feel similar to me deal with overcoming disappointment.
Just a few minutes ago, my husband's cousin sent out pictures of us all at a cousin's campout. Let's just say I was not pleased with the results... I barely recognized myself and my body. :sad:
The past couple months, I've really been stepping it up in terms of logging meals and walking more... I guess I'm just now suddenly aware of how crucial my dedication is to myself and my health.
While I know I'm making progress and/or choices for the better... it's hard not to want to run for the hills or face first into a deep fried platter of goodness at the same time.

Thoughts? How do you overcome these feelings? And, if you were making changes but still feel in a "rut" about it... do I just go all that more harder? I'm trying to make this a lifestyle change....and not just something I burn out on. Again.

Thanks for your positivity! :glasses:


  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    Hi there!

    I know that feeling and have been there myself! I would see infomercials for workouts and think I was starting to look a lot more like the "before" pictures. Then in December of 2011 I stepped on a scale and saw the highest number I had ever seen. That was my turning point.

    I think you can use this as your turning point or "aha" moment. You know you want to get healthy, and let those pictures be your motivation. I would set a goal, get a plan in place and tell people about it to help keep yourself accountable. It sounds like you really want to make the lifestyle change, and you absolutely can do it!

  • lovenaire
    lovenaire Posts: 10
    Yep, it was seeing myself in pictures that made me snap. I asked my wife if I really looked like that. She looked at me and said yes honey. I then asked her how she is able to make love with me, and act like she feels that way. She said, because I love you.

    It was that moment, that I started on a REAL path of getting back into shape, and being an active person. I think of how I feel about myself, and how disgusted I am that I let myself get this way over the years. I think of how my wife must have to shut her eyes and imagine me when I was younger (or worse, someone else). And it is those thoughts that keep me from digging into a big bowl of Queso, or drinkning Cokes. It is those thoughts that make me put on my shoes every evening and go for a walk, and to push myself a little harder each day to go further and faster.

    I realize that I did not get here overnight, and that I won't get back to where I once was overnight either. I also know I dont want to come back to where I am right now. So what I have to do is change how I think, eat, sleep, play, and move. I know I can eat some queso or have a couple of margaritas, but instead of stuffing my face till im miserable, I eat a little bit on a few chips, and savor the flavor. I am changing, I am allowing myself to change, and I am allowing myself to grow and mature as I should. I am no longer trying out a fad diet to drop weight really fast, only to end up a fat pig again a week later... I am changing who I am into what I want to be...

    That is what motivates me. Maybe you can use that. Maybe that will spark a light for you. But I assure you, if you keep at it, it will work. I am even able to buy the family cokes, and pastries, and I just dont want them... I know I surprise myself too! You can too, I know you can. We can do anything we set our mind to. We are powerful brilliant creatures, that can adapt, survive and thrive. See you at the finish line.