new motivation

so, Iv been and seen my doctor today about a few things since my emergancy c section last November.

Iv got alot of nerve damage in my scar and surrounding area which is causing loss of sensation in places and extreme pain in others.
she said I can have an operation to remover the scar, which in therory would remove the damage nerve endings BUT then Id be back to square one with recovery as Id just be left with an identical wound/scar.

so she thinks the best course of action treat the nerve pain etc for now and....get down to my goal weight (which is actually a little less than is required) and maintain that for a year then she can refer me for a "tummy tuck", baisically to remove the skin im left with AND the scar with the damaged nerves.
this will be easier to recover from/the wound to heal as I wont have the stupid over hang bit that the c section has left me with.

2 birds, 1 stone I hear you say.....yep, so there it is, my new motivation and I plan to totally kick *kitten* *kitten*!!! and do this!!

I didnt expect any of that and tbh was very anxious about going to see her, but she was fab and now Iv just got to wait for my date to start counciling for PTSD but I already feel heaps better after talking with the doctor for 40mins today about EVERYTHING and finally feel like Im being listened to