Hip Hop Abs? Worth it?

Hello all! I'm on Day 5 of Insanity and looking into doing Hip Hop Abs because I just love Shaun T and I have seen/read amazing success stories from doing it.

Insanity is .. well, INSANE obviously! It gets me going, pumping, sweating, cursing, everything LOL.

I played the first DVD of it (found it online) and it looks just like a silly workout dvd, but I want to know do you get TRUE results like Insanity?


  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    I think Insanity will lead to better results since it's more intense, but I have seen people do great things with Hip Hop Abs so I do think it works.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    No. It's fun, but not much of a workout.
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    I like it!! Just gotta stick to the "tempo" version of the workout and you will get a good sweat!
  • fitcolette
    fitcolette Posts: 67
    Insanity is by far a better result workout, but I would still get the ab DVD to use later and have fun with. I think anything that gets you moving and you enjoy doing it, is something that will work and you won't dread. I too love Shaun T :)